
Being the introvert that i am, i can only hope that i never do something wonderfull that would turn me into a celebrity. This looks like hell to me.

Apparently, Jedis do.

Maybe some people. But I don't think that this article is exactly right either.

Did anyone really think swordfighters actually did funny twirls in real life? Any idiot who did that would simply end up 6 feet under.

I told you man, I'm ruthless. I don't have the time, or usually even inclination, to go and replay games. You get so many coming in on the conveyer belt in this job - especially since I cover PC indie stuff a lot - that I just never get the chance to look back, even if I wanted to.

Whaaaat? You're crazy, Luke. Crazy.

Stay the fuck away from Jezebel. You are irrelevant and unwanted here, so take your worthless opinions and spew them on reddit where you belong.

Good thing no one asked you.

This makes me proud to be a Columbia alum, and that isn't something I've been able to say a lot during the past few months.

Its a two-way street and it'll take two to tango. Many of these developers have no say in the matter, they get told what to create by those who hold the purse-strings.

You know, while this is very impressive looking, I kind of hope that games never look like this. It looks too much like a movie. Jokes of games being too movie like in some cases aside, I like that games look like games. I don't think I ever want to play a game that looks like I'm controlling an absolute real person

I've never been a fan of hyper-realism. I've found that game devs that choose to stick to a specific art-style tend to focus on better gameplay.

Just a reminder that any comments involving threats and other personal attacks will be removed.

My Facebook feed would suggest that lack of anonymity isn't the only solution.

not going to happen when people can hide their real identities. if that information was public most of the people playing would quiet down in a hurry.


Fish in pastry would be 'en croute' not 'en papillote'. What a moron!

The adjectives matter not.

That's too easy.

Can't wait to see people bitch about this.... "It's a racing game it should be 60fps at least", "No 60 no buy" "Do you really want a hippopotamus for Christmas?"