
pacing is an appropriate concern—it’s by far illumination animation’s biggest stumbling block. almost all of their films have felt either tedious or too brief—while never actually being particularly interesting in either case. 

i disagree regarding marking sidequests separately. i feel like it’s a philosophical point being made that witcher 3's sidequests are all of a piece with the main campaign. because it makes it feel like it’s really geralt’s life—with him constantly balancing multiple competing demands on his time and loyalty. 

yeah, in this case the game’s strength—its side quests that are as substantial as most game’s main campaigns—also undercuts it for players who simply don’t have that kind of available time and attention span. because the sidequests go on for hours and hours. on the other hand, no one would ever accuse it of being

the first couple of hours are the most challenging to get over, especially if you’re not familiar with the lore. i’d actually recommend watching the netflix series’ first season to get a taste of the world, to “buy into it.” obviously if the witcher 1 and 2 were available on ps4 or 5 i’d recommend those, but they’re

i don’t think there have been plans beyond five films, but yeah if every film makes three billion dollars i’m sure they’ll do it, lol. i hope they at least get to four. i actually really like the first one and i am, in general, a defender of james cameron. 

the thing is though.... fox and disney pumped money into these sequels for a decade with the hope that they’d make the same kind of bank as the first one. so even if 2bn is far above the break even point, it is the number that they expect, based on franchise receipts thus far. so i’m guessing if the sequel

i think the issue is that gamefreak is impacted by too many competing interests outside of the world of videogames. the mainline games are all released to align with trading cards, anime, etc. thus nintendo’s typical methodology of never releasing a buggy game is thrown out.

it’s basically an xbox one x slim. 

MrBeast dethroning the OG King of YouTube makes sense when you think about his content in relation to PewDiePie’s.”

he’s a child actor, so in all likelihood the actor will be replaced for an adult T’Challa. most child actors never age into adult actors, just a statistical fact, unfortunately.

i’m nearly done reading The Passenger (which is great) so I’m really in the mood to read about McCarthy. Thanks for this! (although I disagree on The Counselor, love that movie in all its excess...)

the final scene underscores the tragedy that even those of us with the most noble intentions may be too shortsighted, too sidelined by the mundane, to be able to overcome the horror and injustice in the world. this is why, i think, Bell’s dream “feels flat”—its meaning is inexact. if a person cannot even grasp the

speaking as a filmmaker, i know that the use of racing drones did indeed get a LOT of attention this year. Ambulance, which was DP’d by a documentary cinematographer, did something genuinely revolutionary with those drones and i’m sure we’ll be seeing an abundance of films incorporating them in the future.

if you’re incapable of explaining human sexuality to your child then you’re a failure of a parent. there are ways of explaining love without triggering your apparent immature squeamishness. raise your children to be better than yourself. 

that’s exactly what i thought. so i guess he is “nutting” for christmas after all. 

oh, so you’ve found the pinnacle, have you? what a coincidence you found it. funny how that works.

season 4 has a couple bright points but ends so badly it’s difficult to say it was worth it.

i see—i think i bypassed any problems at the time by buying the physical disc. it may actually have been one of the last physical discs i ever bought for a pc game.

i get the impression that stanton’s complaints are tacitly your own. i’m sure the inconsistencies of the story were things he was confronted with and, in all likelihood he was brought on board specifically to raise the emotional pitch high enough so that most viewers would overlook those issues. stanton is basically

you’re basically describing mandolorian or boba fett at this point, though. so you’re taken care of. obi-wan is, by comparison to those characters, genuine mythology. doing a little story as you propose, with the likelihood that we’d only ever get one opportunity, one season of storytelling, would feel like an