
when was this? i feel like things must’ve improved in the 14 years since Stalker Clear Sky was released. Great game, though!

counterpoint: before steam it was a pain in the ass to patch your game everytime there was a bug fix. you might take it for granted now that your game just auto-updates, but prior to steam that simply didn’t exist. and you might have to fuss quite a bit with folder and file structure to fix your own game. now

eh, i just don’t like storytelling that is convoluted without motivation. i was truthfully paying attention, but the story, post-season 1, increasingly lacked for drama and emotional investment. if that’s what you mean by less simple. yeah, seasons 2-4 certainly had a lot of busywork making it appear that things were

House of the Dragon is pretty amazing though. and it’s not like Westworld had really been putting in the work to keep itself greenlit. every season after the first one (a truly perfect season if there ever was one) was increasingly painful to watch.

good. the fourth season had some very good episodes at first but took a truly inglorious swandive into an empty pool at the end. i simply didn’t give a shit anymore, because it was clear that neither did anyone working on it. 

it is kinda what’s going on here. south korea, japan and china all have a demonstrated fixation on the “whiteness” of western culture, whether that’s having an Anne of Green Gables-land, or using western europe’s medieval history as a sandbox for their own stories (whether that’s Elden Ring or Final Fantasy), because

True Lies is far closer to 80's-90's James Bond than Mission Impossible.

according to MS, gamepass will only ever amount for no more than 15% of their income on the platform annually—that’s the hard ceiling on GP.

that’s nice

man of steel holds up surprisingly well. 

it’s more like 1%.

the show is just an exhibit in wasted potential, especially wasting cavill.

don’t conflate the creative direction of cavill as superman with his performance of the character. honestly he nails the tone and presence of the character—and makes the role his own, a modern clark kent and superman, rather than immersing himself in a homage to the late great christopher reeve.

i imagine the witcher is a much bigger time commitment than superman. when cavill was superman he seemed to have time to join a number of other projects, but he’s been notably less productive since the witcher started.


i mean, the books do suck—at least, in terms of their literary merits. i can understand why writers would dislike them. but there is a lot to work with, regardless, and i think any writer worth their salt would see the job as an opportunity to improve upon and take advantage of the enormous fantasy world at their

it honestly sounds like the game is trying to make a point by using provocative scenarios and gameplay mechanics, but the critic doesn’t realize it’s deliberate on the game’s part. instead the critic is just restating the game’s own point as if their own criticism of the game rather than engaging the themes of inequali

i’m okay with political criticism of videogames as long as the criticism is valid. but it’s weird how the critic seems to think the game’s political commentary only begins in earnest in the second half of the game, whereas earlier missions were simply offensive. but i dunno, a mission where you shoot innocent

the USA under Trump or a Trump-alike is exactly the unstable, global level threat you describe.

i mean, i’m on the left, but these people are idiots—if they’re leftists, it’s of the superficial, non-self-interrogated sort.