
i’m not sure who to trust: the former Xbox exec or you.

well, they’re right—if the gamer/viewer don’t want what’s available, then the service doesn’t have value. it may have a dollar amount, but if the consumer doesn’t care then it doesn’t matter how cheap it is. no one wants to buy “nothing worthwhile”.

as someone else mentioned, creating scarcity in the decks encourages people to buy more cards over a longer period of time—this isn’t solely driven by a profit motive, but also to maintain a funding source for keeping the entire game in print over a longer period of time, ultimately reaching more players.

“they took umbrage with the noir power fantasy and future-centric scope that’s proliferated within the genre, even by Gibson himself, much as I have.”

yep, i felt like the subtext of No Way Home was the studio underlining the fact that Spider-men were interchangeable—whomever is cheapest to hire will be the next Spider-man.

the film didn’t even make it to within 100 million of 2 billion dollars. yes, it made a lot of money, but math does actually matter. 

this looks kinda bad

whale sharks aren’t fugly, numpty. 

nope, cgi has advanced to such a degree that it’s quite possible to gin up a sequence like this from concept to execution in a couple of months, given the appropriate staff numbers, time and money.

it’s clear to me, from actually playing the game, that GRRM had a truly dramatic influence on its writing. granted, i *know* that he didn’t write the scripts or anything besides the world bible he generated, but it is obvious that his involvement raised the bar for FromSoftware’s in-house writing staff—the script is,

“oh no, games that are actually engaging. please. stop.”

while i acknowledge that this may not be the case for you, i’ve discovered that, a lot like learning a new subject in school, you can continue to condition your brain, and learn new things in adulthood as well. i used to suck as dark souls. just like i used to suck at reading (in second grade). but i wanted so badly

aren’t all games technically fantasies?

i really loved the first two games, and absolutely hated the final one. game gave me migraines. so if they return to the original OG formula i’m all in. if they just want to do another Batman + GTA i am out. 

thumperbell—nevermind that sounds like a stripper name. 

they’re never depicted in the first novel, only alluded to.

i dunno, i’ve seen ol palps do all kind of weird-ass spinning shit.

i have a lot of nostalgia for the track wheel on the older gen ipods. 

i just deleted Horizon to make space for my Elden Ring gameplay recordings, hahaha.

...not sure if it was satirizing other sci fi so much as just revitalizing and modernizing the tone of those pulp stories