
There’s no justifiable reason for Sanders to remain in the race

Blue No Matter Who.
-Disappointed Sanders Voter

Defeating Trump is too damn important for anyone interested in such a thing to get all mad at other people because their candidate isn’t winning or doesn’t win. We’re in this shit together, and bitching incessantly, or attacking others who are likewise trying to oust Trump 

Far from perfect, but for a 5 minute amateur photoshop edit?

So I guess Howard did manage to knock up Lea Thompson, huh?

Final Fantasy IX

What It’s About: Dragon Ball.

It’s a retelling of Dragon Ball.

A baby with a monkey tail is sent to this planet to conquer it in the name of his people. He loses his memory, rises to be super powerful (even to the extent of unlocking a special state of existence that causes him to glow with energy), and

Say what you will about Biden, I’ve never had a Joe supporter try to threaten or dox me

I have a boring office job, what would I do with all those muscles?

I mean it down to my core, fuck that guy.

But either his intentions were “to hurt and embarrass a total stranger” or he “honestly expected her to find that funny”. Those two concepts don’t really align.

I honestly think he didn’t even HAVE intention other than “I can do whatever the fuck I want” which might even be

I appreciate the tip (see what I did there?)!

However, nothing beats scratching your brain with a q-tip. Until/unless I notice an issue with using them, there isn’t much that will be likely to get me to stop. I’m so (don’t want to say compulsive about it, but...) regular about how often I do it, most of the time

I complained, they fixed it, I’m obligated to go.  (plus, I have Regal Unlimited, so I might pick up tickets for it a few times)

Or AT&T/DirecTV NOW subscriber?

But there is plenty of story, but instead of traditional NPCs with dialogue to drive the story, you are largely relying on “holotapes” and terminal entries.

Just trying to figure out if I understand this right.

If I go sign up for HBO Now, then I get HBO Max for free, right?

But if I do sign up for HBO Max and not Now, then I’m not getting the full HBO catalog, right?

So the smart movie, if I were interested, is to just sign up for HBO Now...

In a general sense (twitch, facebook, etc), there needs to be limitations on who can report (account age, amount of activity), and depending on how often a report comes from the account and whether or not the service acts on the report, the person reporter should be subject to either a ban from the service or their

I was a teenager when I first played Grandia... I don’t know if it had been out LONG or not, but I know it was before any of the sequels. Back then, I had the luxury and the time of going into a local game store, finding an interesting looking RPG and going for it. That’s how I found Wild ARMs, and that’s how I found

I still have my copies of Grandia 1-3 or 4, can’t remember where I stopped... but things like THIS (and the Mana Collection) are why I finally bought a Switch... So I feel ya on this 100%.

I mostly came to say I loved the headline, and how at first I was reading it and thought it was serious and it had a hilarious twist ending :p

“I don’t get it — are Democrats and otherwise decent people required to remain silent in your forecast of how this plays out?”

I don’t get it either... that’s the entire point of my reply. It’s a double edged sword and a choice between basically falling on your sword to do the morally RIGHT thing, or do the wrong thing

I don’t even need her to be better than Mitch... I just need her to unseat him and his grip (and position as head of) the Senate.  As another commenter said, even another conservative Republican would be ok.

I was about 17 when the film came out, and I hadn’t heard much of it leading to its release, other than insistence from anyone that spoke about it that the film was real... so naturally, I bought it.

It’s one of those things that was a perfect storm at exactly the perfect time. Any earlier, you couldn’t have reliably