
It’s about a woman coming to grips with a body altered by a patriarchal clergy desperate for a weapon to ward off their fading influence, a group that uses her powers to clean up their mess even if it costs her humanity. It’s about stopping a cycle before it has the chance to become one, about self-determination and

If she were “helping” children that otherwise wouldn’t have had ANY chance at any REAL medical treatment, you might have a point, but she was actively pulling children away from REAL doctors and REAL medical facilities so that she could “play doctor” on them.

I had similar thoughts. To some degree, it almost feels like a middle finger and a dishonor to the man for history to be rewritten for his symbolism to uplift all that which he hated in life.

And I say “dishonor” only within the context of how I’m sure he would feel about it.

I long learned to separate the actors from

McConnell WILL refuse to hold a trial.

Trump WILL then continue his tirade of “a bunch of angry Democrats” and will use the refusal of a trial being held as “proof” of his innocence (in the exact same manner he’s used the Mueller report to repeat “NO COLLUSION”).

An impeachment that doesn’t lead to the removal of him in

I was sooooooo pissed when I bought the FFIX guide along with the game.

I had bought an FFVII guide when I played that game, but decided I leaned on it too heavily when it came time for FFVIII, so I didn’t buy that guide. Anytime I got stuck, I had to get up from my room, go to the dining room where our family computer

In AoU, when Cap budged it, Thor looked worried then immediately relieved.

I read both that scene and his “I knew it!” in Endgame being that Thor believed Captain America to be worthy, and that the day would come in which Steve would lift it... not that he could have lifted it during the AoU scene specifically.

I figure “saving Bucky” through the events of the Winter Soldier and Civil War gave him closure to something internally that wasn’t quite there when he budged it in AoU. The events of Winter Soldier and Civil War likely solidified and clarified his purpose and place in this world, and it was through that and the

*shrug* I flew from Dallas to Chicago... the entire airport experience was rushed, tense, everyone was rude... the entire experience was very, very hectic and stressful.

I have a vertigo-like condition, so the actual plane ride was a nightmare (it was my first and only time on a plane). We took AmTrak back because of

A kid gets lost in the woods in freezing temperatures but manages to survive against all odds, reappearing days later and in better-than-expected health? I think I’ve seen this story before...

I’ve dealt with chronic vertigo (or some variation of it, that’s just the best term doctors who couldn’t figure out what is wrong have used)... I’m fortunate that for the most part, first person games don’t bother me... but the the roller coaster from Final Fantasy 7 was an absolute ordeal for me to complete...

Maybe just a start up check to compare it to your last inventory when you logged off to stop cheating.

wubba lubba dub dub!

The contempt that Diller showed towards wrestling after losing it is nothing compared to the contempt Vince shows towards wrestling fans contrarian marks that want to hijack the show and make it about them.

Fixed it for you ;)

So you’re saying the President should be wearing these in no time? :p

Kids love origami, too.. even a simple paper airplane on up to throwing stars and finger claws :) One of my nieces loved coloring the finger claws while the other loved running around acting like a monster with them on.

Just got an update that indicates NO movie can be seen more than once using the service.

I enjoyed it a lot. Much better than City of Angels.

I can’t believe it wasn’t until reading this article that I saw how ridiculously punny the name “Draven” is.