
The deal isn’t finalized; its expected to take a full year for everything to actually go through as the government could still block it and rumor has it that Comcast is thinking about swooping in with an offer that dwarf’s Disney’s. Until the ink dries on the final deal, everything X-Men / Mutant related (at least

While that ancient African proverb now seems like a bit of reverse racism

Nope, the original show devolved into gimmicky, cheese cake episodes near its final few seasons that was more about visual exploitation of the show’s female cast, and actual story, heart, and themes about the familial bonds played second and third fiddle to excuses to put the sisters in skimpy outfits.

If it shies away from the exploitative, cheese cake episodes of the original run’s later years, that’s a step up. Even as a man who enjoys the female form, the show lost me when it became less about the story and the familial bond and more about putting Milano in a mermaid outfit and overly gimmicky episodes that were

That’s one of the things I appreciated about Bernie Sanders. With as much “cred” and goodwill he might have been able to drum up with some of his history with the Civil Rights movement, he didn’t pander to African Americans, he didn’t change his message to suit an African American crowd... He seemed more than any

People sing along to music.

I figure if the artist didn’t want a particular group using certain words when singing along to their music, they wouldn’t include those words in the first place. Music is universal, speaks to all, and can’t basically be segregated.

When I karaoke Snoop Dogg or Dr. Dre, I don’t alter the

Its because everyone wants the “quick fix” or wants to know “the secret” when “the secret” is that there is no secret... everyone already knows how to lose weight, or lose belly fat, or slim your thighs... its called “diet and exercise” but when presented with something that might be hard and actually take willpower

Mmmmm Smash indeed ;)

This isn’t a critique of WOC getting jobs, that’s a good thing.

I think there is a difference between inclusivity and what we are seeing develop among certain segments of the “liberal” and “tolerant” community, which is effectively using those labels or mindsets as a means to show how much more “in touch” and “sensitive” they are than other people, and to use that as a means to

Now playing

Because our side is so divided over what you can and can’t say, what you can and can’t wear, what aspects of what culture you can and can’t “appropriate”, what Hollywood roles you can and can’t cast as this or that race, and we spend all of our time apologizing for stupid shit because people get hurt feelings.


To be fair, the AoS character predated Overwatch by over a month, and considering how far in advance these episodes and characters are drawn up, I’m sure the initial similarities in the characters were, in fact, coincidence. That said, its an entertaining nod for the viewers who would have caught the references.

Me and several of my friends were just about to start playing SWG all together, and then they introduced a wide range of sweeping changes that completely altered many core things we liked about the idea of playing. One of the things I remember being very impressed with when we were first looking into it was the fact

Here’s some more art showing an early design for the Upside Down version of Montauk

Fucking Marcy... Yeah, I’ve tried taking her out a few times. I was working on modding one of my weapons at the weapon workbench and she happened to be right next to it hammering on the wall, straight bitching the entire time how she didn’t have time to talk to me and telling me to go away. That’s when I found out she

You've never been emotionally invested into a scripted drama? Never been a bit bummed when a character you liked got killed? Never had a cliffhanger ending to a show where a character you liked was in danger and was excited to see the next episode? Never cried during a movie?

I just want to say that during Halloween, almost EVERY bit of Merida I saw at the various stores was the "sexy" version. I think they switched her back only for long enough to let the outcry die down, then went ahead with their original plans, unfortunately.

First, I am a man, and I remember first hearing that women do this, and it's horrible. There are two main points I'd like to make, one about the article, and one about my personal preference.