
I’d rather see Edward Scissorhands for a pap smear” is my go-to.

Correct answer: When the responding officer arrived at the scene, he took one look at Suzy and decided that based on her appearance she must have been asking for it. Based on this assumption, he never offered to collect a rape kit. He gathered no physical evidence, made one attempt to get a copy of the video from the

I’d rather freebleed in a Vera Wang wedding gown

Warren has been tagged a “liar” by the GOP for a while now. Any story on Fox is accompanied by dozens to hundreds of people calling her a liar.

It’s all so hypocritical. I have 17 years of Catholic education under my belt (Jesuit college. Jesuits are okay.) which is a lot of Jesus, and from what I understand, Jesus would likely be a democratic socialist and quite all right with the LGBTQ community.

It continually surprises me how much Evangelical Christians would DESPISE Jesus if he existed today.

I didn’t have a lot of time so I only scanned this story.

Did you read the NBC story?

Look, no one wants Mommy Liz and Daddy Bern to fight.

I love that texting is the problem here

Jillian Michaels strikes me as being so tiring to be around, and it has nothing to do with workouts. She’s like an onion of self-hate; it’s just so many layers. And then she projects that on to everyone around her. Self-hate is tiring.

I assume people like this have two kitchens: one just for show and one hidden away that the hired help uses to prepare all the family meals.

I don’t know about loosing to Buttigieg, but this is definitely the path to sticking us with Biden.

I’m all in for Warren through the primary. If she doesn’t get it, then I’m all in for whoever does. I do hope it’s her though. Warren/Castro 2020!!

I already do. My student loans confirm this.

Benoit Blanc is the sort of detective Agatha Christie would have written if she’d been born in Louisiana instead of England. The bombastic ruminations on the case, usually spoken to himself as the other characters stand nonplussed, the actual police authorities’ strange deference to and cooperation with him as he


This year, Lindsay Lohan plans to move back to the states and to release a new single, incredibly titled “Xanax” [Page Six]

All good dogs (which as we know, is all dogs) are liberals. It's common knowledge.