Hard same.
Hard same.
Yeah. My folks were Y2K preppers, and I remember spending a year building up a cache of canned goods and suchlike little bits at a time so as not to attract attention (??!!) and storing them in the crawl space of the attic in case of looters (??!!). Back then, I was just a teenager doing what my parents said we should…
At my very first Real Lawyer Job out of law school, I worked *very briefly* at a firm that had its offices in a converted mansion. Weirdly, our office’s bathroom was a full-on residential bathroom with a tub and shower and linen closet and medicine cabinet, like you’d find in any middle-income single-family home. And…
Oh, sweetheart, forgive yourself for this. <3
Well, we were in Wisconsin, and Hawaii is a chain of islands in the Pacific Ocean 4,000 miles away, so, yeah, I’d say she could be pretty confident in calling out my lie that we drove there on spring break. Lol.
When I was in second grade, I was *in love* with my teacher, and desperately wanted her to love me back and think I was cool. When we came back from spring break that year, she asked the class if anyone had gone on any trips anywhere, and probably a third of the kids had stories about vacations and trips to see…
The short answer is those two examples are state crimes, not federal, and thus different rules for sentencing apply. Apples to oranges.
jesus fucking christ
When under extreme stress (getting pulled over by EIGHTY COPS certainly qualifies), our bodies do really weird shit, and it happens differently for all of us. It’s not uncommon for a person’s perception and processing of auditory stimulus to more or less fuck right off for a while. Given what we know about her from…
Lol. When we finally had the money to hire an electrician, get our service upgraded from 60 to 200 amps, and replace the daisy-chain of tiny, unlabeled fuse boxes with a proper circuit breaker, I was home from work when the electrician was doing his stuff in the basement. At one point, I heard him exclaim loudly in a…
Yeah. The tragic part is that the whole thing is about the TV show and ratings, not actually creating a useful, safe, and comfortable place to live. They did one of these in the metro area where I live and I remember a big kerfuffle in the contractor community between people who were excited about the idea of…
Yeah, that was probably the most egregious example. I think they got smarter about the editing after that and managed to hide more of that kind of shit with how they cut it together and keeping some stuff out. There was another really bad one I remember, though, where they grouted the tile in the shower *immediately*…
lol. Andy Dwyer beat you to it. :) “Uncured Slab new band name I called it!!”
lol, so true. That’s not even the major sin, though. This was on during the time when we were majorly renovating our home and because we were fuckassbroke, we had to do it all ourselves. Which meant learning. A lot. Not just how to do things, but I had to learn why they had to be done that way in order not to be…
thanks for the link. it’s a great unpacking of what’s so shitty about the way this is being reported, and much better than i could express in any comments here.
The wording in the article was misleading. She didn’t “pick” her prison. She requested which one she wanted to be sent to, which is routine. Generally, if the location requested - virtually always one that is closest to home/easiest for loved ones to visit - is the appropriate security level and has open capacity, the…
Yep. Yep, yep, yep. I’m so sorry your sister had to go through that.
Right. A big part of the reason why I’m so in favor of strict involuntary confinement rules is because our (American) system of mental health treatment - particularly in the emergency/acute setting - is so woefully, tragically inadequate. Almost to the point of being counterproductive (which it, in fact, is for many…