
You are awesome!

I hope they lost/are losing a significant amount of money from all the people who stopped watching. Another article I read about this implied that was the case, which is the only reason why they considered making any changes in how they handle sexual violence on the show. Personally, I’m done with the show for good.

That may well be, but what the average American buys as “chocolate” in the supermarket - and the same is true for all things bread-related and for American beer, by the way - wouldn’t be suitable to be fed to the dogs in Germany, France or Switzerland.

Referring to the rape scene he directed, he said, “It was a difficult and brutal scene and we knew it was going to be challenging for the audience. But it was very important to us in the execution that it would not be exploited in any way. To be fair, the criticism was the notion of it, not the execution. It was

Sansa being raped for no apparent reason other than to show us that Ramsay Bolton is awful - who knew? - certainly wasn’t the show at its best. That said, the rest of the last couple of seasons (Sansa’s rape happened more than a few episodes later - the better part of two seasons later, really) had more than enough

I know this sad loser who posted a rant over the female “Thor” when it was announced. Some men are so insecure about themselves and their perception of their own slipping place in the world, they are seriously threatened by these gender-casting explorations in FICTION.

It’s projecting their own strategic utter belief in what they say. Expressing a complete and utter belief in a particular interpreation of the moment, or of a goal, if coupled with decent communicative ability, is contagious; so much of the human experience really just consists of shared interpretations of reality,

There’s so many lies I tell myself so I can continue to exist in this world without breaking down into a puddle of helplessness. One is that most people are, at their core, good. But shit like this, man... I don’t know.

I am so sick of this. I’m Appalachian, and I was raised to treat people with empathy. It was never acceptable in my household to slander gays or trans* people. Ever. Can we stop being absolute jerks to people from my region? Because it reeks of classism and something awfully close to ethnic hatred.

You know what sounds more like a money hustle to me? This Hot Take. When’s the last time Damon Wayans did anything even remotely culturally relevant? Sit the fuck down, Major Payne.

Want to speak American? Palin, take your pick:

DAMMIT. I took too long to find the right image!


My grandfather was a decent man but a blackout drunk. He never hurt anyone or said cruel things, he would just disappear for days/weeks and comeback shaking and with screaming night terrors from WWII. He was a professional boxer and remained huge and muscular even into his 70’s but was still a very gentle man. I think

Not that. I think it’s more that people who have labeled themselves intelligent (and who don’t need to struggle to make a subsistence living) have a tendency to over-analyze every damn thing on Earth and get stuck in a feedback loop of epic narcissism and self-doubt.

No, I simply have a different perspective. I am a special education teacher and spend my days with children who are in the process of realizing that other people are smarter than them.

What new and exciting ideas did The Name of the Wind bring to the genre? I read it and was pretty unimpressed.

Next thing you know- Tyra won’t be owing anyone any bandwidth.

Dude, no. The show actually taught a pretty good lesson to kids: The things that go bump in the night aren’t supernatural bullshit, but people with agendas who can be exposed via the thorough gathering of evidence and/or hijinks. Their are no ghosts and no monsters, just the application of science, technology and