
Question answered... *sigh*

Or what one of my ex’s would do:

Are women qualified to govern their preferences and behaviour? Absolutely. I never said or felt otherwise.

I judge people who drive lifted bro-douche trucks that tailgate and spew coal. Those people deserve to be judged.

It doesn’t really make much sense here. This couple wasn’t trying to drum up publicity - there were no pictures of the wedding and their relationship seems to have been low-key. Find better targets if you want this joke to work, Jezebel.


I watched Gilbert Grape with my parents, and I think that’s the last time I saw one of his movies. The next day my dad said, “I had a weird dream about that red-headed kid in the movie,” and I said, “You had a dream about Johnny Depp? What was it about?” He said, “I dreamt he had a bird dog, and he couldn’t do nothin’

I wonder if they dated all the other oceans first. Like, the Atlantic Ocean was their first love but then randomly found out one day it’s a right-wing nutjob that supported slavery and other awful stuff. Then they fell in love with the Indian Ocean freshman year but their parents’ didn’t approve of the relationship.

I see a lot of straight people criticize femslash assuming people doing it are straight and its a fetish thing. I would say though femslash is overwhelmingly done by queer women, looking for representations of ourselves and/or just seeing subtext that relates to our own experiences.

You don’t have a clue about history. There was a time when fat equaled wealth. Much of the time you describe people were often undernourished. People starved to death during the great depression. Did you ever think the people you are talking about don’t have money for extra food?

Diversity is good, whitewhasing is bad, m’kay?

You know I’m torn on this! As a woman and person of color it’s great for ME. I mean how nice will it be to just be handed a high paying writers gig without doing any work at all or having any talent, you know? I could call up a few late night shows and have a job tomorrow, no resume or writing samples required!

I feel kind of bad admitting this, but when I see plus-size modeling campaigns I feel kind of bitter and sad for one reason: almost every plus-size model I can think of from a major campaign has a flat/nearly-flat stomach (or is at least photoshopped to look like they have one). So I’m torn between trying to be happy


Can we go with average-sized instead? All bodies are normal bodies, unless we’re perhaps talking about medical literature.

oh wow, have your comments been working out?

You’re probably trolling, but just in case you’re not: hey, man, we do it, too. Extreme liberal, extreme conservative, moderate in either direction, whatever: this is how you get people do to things you want them to do. Whether that’s a scam, or a completely legitimate cause, the things you want to do are get people

You’re so right about how possessive he is, and how much it bugs him to hear anyone else get praise for Star Wars. He’s always minimized the contributions of Kasdan, Kirshner and Marquand in the original trilogy, and when he made his prequels he made sure no one like that trio could get in the way of him soaking up

My 6’ 200lb 14 year old son was at my house with his 5’10” 175lb 12 year old cousin who lives 4 houses away around the corner. They decide to go to his house and play video games so they take off down the street at 8pm with an Xbox and flat screen tv. Still scares me.