
I’m with you completely. I doubt they’re tempering the violence based on twitter. All of these weird-ass people championing the writers rapey decisions... I have a right to stop watching a show that has gotten terrible for me to watch as a woman and the writers can panic when they realize that they’ve lost a huge

Your kitty needs to check his job description. Cuddles on bad days are a requirement. You’re slipping, kitty.

I am stealing this gif for everything. AGHsldf cute.

agree! And they make it in a nice true brown instead of a black brown, which goes better with my hair.

agree! And they make it in a nice true brown instead of a black brown, which goes better with my hair.

I wish I knew! I hope someone can answer that for you bc I'd like to know. I haven't done it.

I end up having to reapply a few times throughout the day if I want the color to stay heavier, but I don't have to worry as much about smearing and I can drink things without worrying. Eating can still be an issue if the food is greasy.

powered by sciences reply was right on. Basically seeps into your lips like when you eat a bunch of berries instead of sitting on them. They are known to be drying, so Ive been exfoliating and applying a lot of lip balm. I was directed to them when I asked for something that would stay on after drinking and eating.

Yes! Sephora ladies recommended Sephora's line of stain's yesterday, and the peony color is my new favorite favorite lip item. I'm yellow pale with light coloring, and it looks so amazing.

Thanks! Ive heard other people rec it, too. I Planned to check out the grandma color today. Ill try the primer, too.

Thanks!! That's pretty! I have slightly yellow-toned skin, so I think that is going to be a good color for me. Ah Sephora, I this this might be the purchase that makes me a VIB until 2016...

My NYX collection is getting a little crazy. The one thing is I need to reapply them often. I'm thinking of investing in a similar color in the OCC lip tar. I need something pizza-proof.

Yay! I love these. Why do I want to buy the entire March ipsy box instead of just going out and buying that nyx lipstick. I need a good melon shade.

damn, zayn. I was on your side. I had a really confusing dream last night in which you were dead, so I guess I can say that you're dead to me now.

This made me snort laugh.


I think she's done bearding, so this actually might be legit.

Je-sus. What a terrible move.

I don't think his shtick would be good for an entire episode. He's better in small doses. That said, those small doses are excellent. He's a funny (and good-looking) dude.

I'm genuinely worried about Zayn. He's not only the best looking but he has the best voice. Nooooo.

She looks so much like Sophia Loren in the last one.