
$12 is overspending for a durable cup......? I mean maybe we all don’t for strictly throw away cups at our local wal-mart shirtless like you but if you cant handle $12 for a cup you might need to readjust your food stamp allowance and rethink your life.

$12 is overspending for a durable cup......? I mean maybe we all don’t for strictly throw away cups at our local

You went from zero to “MUSLIMS” bloody quickly there mate, with a rather outmoded and bigoted view of the religion I might add.

Oh I get it now - you just want half naked Asians.

I think it’s terrible cosplay.

Yeah man, you tell those creators. YOU know best, right?

I’m just here to inform you that I am reporting every single one of your comments to this article as hate-speech.

America and the rest of western society: “WHITE-WASHING! WE DEMAND AN ASIAN ACTOR TO PLAY AN ASIAN ROLE!!!”

Japan and the rest of Asia: “Meh, we don’t care who plays what role.”

The only people upset for the most part are Americas that love to complain about everything (and have little to know understanding of how movie studios work) America is just a bunch of whiners.

Well, a big part of it is PC bullshit. There have been legitimate cases of white-washing lately, but, this doesn’t feel like it. While the Major is Japanese, it is never stated what ethnicity her body is, and it’s clear that Public Security section 9 has an international aspect to it in the way it operates. When you

People complaining about a white actress playing a character in a Japanese manga who doesn’t look Japanese.

You aren’t new to Kotaku, so the only reason you got to be clicking on stuff that you don’t want to read about is someone holding a gun to your head. Or just shameless idiocy along with a burning desire to bring no real discourse to the table. That works too.

I didn’t know that was a thing. I can see your point to a degree but I think your opinion crosses the line of being racist. Just because you have a chip on your shoulder about white guys doesn’t mean they can’t be sincere about feminism.

If a man supports equality for women with his actions and words, he is a feminist. Limiting feminism to only women who support equal rights for women is a bit sad and ridiculous. 1. For excluding half of the population in the responsibility for equality. 2. The crazy fact there are women that don’t believe in label or

And here I thought feminism was for equality for both sexes.

“You can say you support feminism. But don’t say you’re an actual feminist.”

Wait, so that’s not Anna Paquin? All you white ladies look the same.

You mean like planning to move to a country with paid mat leave? But no- you’re right- no middle class people should be procreating. We should definitely leave that to fundamentalists who don’t allow women to work in the first place.

So, having children should only be a luxury afforded to the affluent?

It also sounds like a problem with our healthcare system that she couldn’t leave her job because she was the one with the benefits.

Just a reminder that Sheen has shown zero respect and a whole lot of cruelty towards women in the past. I hope he is telling the truth about being open and honest with his sexual pertners, but I cannot help having heavy doubts. http://jezebel.com/5774374/charli…