Was surprised to see this blurb on CNN:
Was surprised to see this blurb on CNN:
I hope you know that people like you are part of the problem.
“I’m not a vegetarian because I love animals. I’m a vegetarian because I hate plants.” — A. Whitney Brown
So, apparently vegetarians get flack from both omnivores and vegans. What I’ve learned from Kitchenette today is that vegetarians are the bisexuals of the nutrition world.
I’m 100% sure this ruins all my feminist cred, but I think it’s hilarious. Balls are inherently a little funny, and the image of some bro standing on a scenic cliff somewhere with his nuts out and another dude framing an ‘artistic’ photo through his legs is giving me some serious giggles.
I will stab you with an asparagus spear! Meat is fucking murder!
“All vegans are awful SO LET’S SHIT ON THEM” is frequently a trope meat-eaters* like to bust out for a variety of reasons, virtually all of which are ultimately both self-serving and self-aggrandizing.
It’s drives me fucking crazy when people a) don’t understand words and then b) leap to the wrong conclusions based on their misunderstanding. The way the OP obviously equated “idiosyncratic” with “idiot” was painful to read.
This redhead goth look is really doing it for me. (you can take the girl out of the goth clothes, but you can't take the goth out of the girl. #folife)
Better combination of Hunter and Palmer = Punter
Folks, I assure you, when you’re dead you’re not going to care about your name being passed on.
You said you’d post it, and you didn’t disappoint. Good on you, sir.
Having to use a piston to launch yourself across the gap may sound ridiculous, except the first time I ran the raid on the day it launched, I was the one in our party who found the secret chest room in that part. Except where we found it from, you couldn’t detect any of the invisible platforms. You can see where I’m…
Man this raid is so amazing that i almost cant believe it. And so many secrets! Cant wait for hard mode. My Samurai/Martian Matt Damon is ready.
You’re not accounting for taxes, here.
Dude, don’t pick on Iowa, we grow your bacon .
Oh yay. Another person who believes wage “fairness” for the working classes means incomes should shift downward.
Have you considered the reason you’re unpopular is because you’re entirely full of shit? Because I’ve worked a significant number of 6-hour shifts (most serving shifts tend to be around 6 hours, unless you’re working a double) and made $30 due to lack of business.
Because teachers are grossly underpaid? We maximize corporate profits at the expense of paying actual living wages to workers, public servants, and anyone not middle management and above? Is that really the argument you want to make?
From a mathematics perspective, yes.