
You were a Galka WHM weren’t you? If so you had enough MP to cast Cure II like twice. The racism was justified.

I was also on Pandemonium. My tarus name was Halleth. I left for Phoenix before the Asura merger but eventually wanted to return “home” and hoped to Asura.

Who were you in FFXI? I was on your server. I remember Maudib. I was also Windurstian.

I actually have been meaning to pick up Driveclub, it looked good and I’ve been wanting a good racing game to play with my bf. Should I avoid Driveclub now and look for something else?

I eat FAR LESS when I eat the right food. As a result I spend less and devote less of my time to cooking. People can’t fathom their food intake would change so they just assume given the quantities they’re used to it will be crazy expensive. When you give your body quality nutritious food, it requires a lot less food.

Isn’t that in Arlington somewhere? I’ve heard I need to go there.

As a single person thats 80% of my income. Fuck being poor, what good is college anymore if this is all it gets you? I’m guaranteed to die a lonely old woman cause I’ll never be able to aford a family of my own and at nearly 29 years old I’m already practically orphaned. Almost every family member I’ve ever known has

My mom died in 2010 so this piqued my interest a little, and then it just made me sad :(

Because fear operates this person’s life.

That requires getting up earlier.

I don’t have any friends, how hard is this to solo?

The best shitty job I ever had was delivering pizza. It was the part time I had after I got off work at my big girl job where I’m part of the development team for a system that trains police and fire fighters in a virtual environment. I made more money delivering pizza than that job that required an 80k Bachelors

I buy all the groceries and do all the delicious cooking. My guy pays for the dates. Seems pretty fair. Though often times I don’t even want to go out to eat cause it’s a waste of money and often times ifeel I can make the same thing just as well if not better.

Not everyone was spoiled enough to have video games growing up ya know...

If you had been back, he’d have shot you before even warning you not to get out of the car. I wish I felt that was exagerating but it honestly is very likely.

Isn’t that where ya’ll call in experts? That’s something that doesn’t seem OK to leave to assumptions by people who have no idea about what is and isn’t possible with audio/visual.

Everytime an emergency vehicle needs to get by and people part like the red sea, no one signals. I guess they all deserve tickets! Besides just that, around the D.C. area NO ONE SIGNALS ever. And cops couldn’t give a shit less. Completely understandable why she’d be annoyed. In that situation how would anyone,

That was hard to watch. Few times in my life have I wanted so bad to harm someone so bad it hurts but god damn, fuck that cop. If hate could kill.

I’d be interested in what you consider normal.

Is it really fair to talk about the health of thin people if you aren’t their doctor? Everyone gets up in arms when claims are made about a fat perosn’s health based off appearances. Let’s not do the same to thin people ok?