
The dose makes the poison. So technically everything you're exposed to is a potential poison.

Fun fact: Arsenic gets its bad rap from the industrial waste form that found it's way into water supplies. Natural forms of arsenic, like what you get in apple seeds, is harmless if not beneficial. Healthy cell membranes keep

In FFXI and FFXIV you can most definitely change classes.

Generally speaking super oily skin is super dry skin that's gotten tired of waiting for you to give it the moisture it wants and does so itself. Usually at the speed of SATURATE. Stripping it of it's oils is only issuing it a challenge it will gladly accept. It's a battle you'll never win if you continue to wage war

Reading through this article and all the comments makes me feel kind of relieved my guy isn't interested in marriage. It used to be soul crushing, but now it doesn't seem so bad.

Don't make me crack a smile, it's too soon. Now it the time for sads.

That's fucked up.

I don't want to accept this is real life right now.

I never sit like my female Awoken Titan. The only reason you have to sit like that is if you're wearing a skirt and you don't want to show the world your goodies. Ain't no Fist of Havoc being done in a skirt.

You don't have to make money off someones property to eat away to their profits. If I gave away Tesla's for free I'd be preventing Tesla from actually profiting from their own product since everyone would opt for the free car. Copyright allows creators full control over their creation which you just can't do while

Ermg! The children!! Why doesn't anybody ever think about the precious children!!! They're so fragile.

"How can we get this sick and obesity stricken population to consume even more sugar so they'll die faster?"

"We can make the containers their 'food' comes in edible too!"


Or you can not use soap all together and use the oil cleansing method. My hair and skin have never been healthier and I do not stink, not even a little bit. I think dead skin cells cause more stink than the bacteria and using soap makes me a dry flaky bitch. Burn me at the stake and call my unhygienic, whatevs.

Rihanna isn't the problem. Why are the men never to blame for their bullshit? If not Rihanna it'd be someone else.

One of these days I'll finally be able to upgrade my Armamentarium. Was hoping before HoW released.

I looked earlier after your last reply but only found Gary refuted in small blurbs with no actual science or anything backing it's disagreement. So far it's just a list I've found that I'm just supposed to go with where only one to two sentence explanations are given to discredit each person while they wildly dumb

Actually you'd be surprised about the studies done on both sides of this one. I've read far too many to count in favor of high fat diets. Problem being they aren't the mainstream dogma therefore they might as well not exist. Most "studies" that discredit high fat diets are done very poorly and don't reduce carb intake

All good points. Only thing I would say anything about is "empty fat calories." I'm someone following a high fat diet and seeing great results in my health and weight for it. Something a lot of people are unaware of is vitamins A, D, E, and K are fat soluble and due to the low-fat everything don't get absorbed very

Calling pasta high in fiber is kind of a misleading thing that most people don't realize. If you go calorie for calorie comparison of spinach to pasta, spinach will blow pasta out of the water in nutrient density. Say like 300 calories of pasta gets you 9g of fiber. 300 calories of spinach would get you like <insert

If Comcast were a good company that treated their customers well their customers wouldn't have to abuse their employees.

If ginseng cured your cancer no research is going to go into how or why and develop a treatment out of it. Nothing people can make/grow themselves will be profitable so it's never pursued, only demonized as quackery. The only people you can trust to have your best interests in mind are authorities and they're more