
Gotta get more variety in there! And plenty of veggies :3

Since I don't eat carby things I make a cheeseburger "salad." It's fantastic. Cheeseburger omelet sounds great!

"proven "high fat diet increases insulin resistance" thing"

That is false. Fat can't illicit an insulin response therefor it cannot increase resistance.

Well it would exactly contradict the cholesterol myth. The government can't just come out and say, "Our B, we totes had that who fat is bad for you thing wrong! Yolo!!!" Also where's money to be made in people eating full fat real nutritional foods? You can't create dependency since people can provide those things for

So much misinformation it hurt. But it's not your fault. This is the bullshit our health professionals are taught and unwilling to budge on. Despite it flying in the face of the latest research proving over and over again just how misguided it is.

Our modern day diet of high carb is the only real "fad diet" considering we've been on it for less than .01% of our entire exist and wouldn't ya know it we're sicker than ever. Now go chew on your corn based frankenfoods like the good little cattle you are!

Assuming calories is all there is to weight. If weight is in fact regulated by hormones (spoiler, it is) then even the taste of sweet signals to the body to release insulin for the impending onslaught of sugar that's about to hit the blood. Except the glucose never comes, but the circulating insulin inhibits fat cells

Dismissal is so much easier than critical thinking though!

The problem is our societies appeal to authority. It's so ingrained we never question or think for ourselves. Chemo and radiation is barbaric if you ask me, and is hardly a, "cure." We carpet bomb the entire system, hope we kill the cancer without killing the person. But any other form of treatment is viewed as

double post

Look into nutritional ketosis. It's very helpful in conjunction with modern day treatments in helping beat cancer. Essentially you switch your body over to using ketones (energy source made primarily from burning fat) for energy. It's perfectly healthy, don't get ketosis confused with ketoacidosis, they are

You could bitch about anything couldn't you? I guess all game devs are supposed to be prodigy crystal ball wielding psychics that can read your mind and deliver just for you the best possible game ever. Even if they do "need" community input, it isn't at all a bad thing precisely because they aren't prodigy crystal

Like you'll ever actually be able to go faster than 50 on either 66 or 495. Virginians left lane camp like it's their God given duty.


I know where I work I did not have to buy my pc, peripherals, desk, chair, or office supplies. Pizzerias are not providing drivers with cars, paying for the maintenance of the vehicles (so they don't break down on the way to deliver your lazy ass food), and certainly don't buy the drivers gas. Without tips drivers

The delivery fee is you paying their overhead to employ drivers, who typically make minimum wage similar to that of servers. Around $2.13 an hour. The racket is that every delivery has a delivery fee. So they more than have the overhead covered and the fee tacked on is just more in thier pocket. If you pay attention

It doesn't. I did pizza delivery and was fortunate enough to get 50 cents of the 1.00 delivery fee. The delivery fees is them charging you for employing the driver. It is not compensation to the driver themselves. Most drivers, like servers, have something like $2.13 minimum wage. I worked for a family owned business

I wish anyone I knew who played did so on PS3. I'm so lonely and unable to complete most weekly nightfalls by myself ;_;

Hand drawn animation cannot be imitated. This coming from someone on team 3D. They're just two different flavors, both amazing in their own ways.

Riggings not so bad :3