
I'm guilty of dibsing but I did it in the most passive way ever.

My car is small. Tiny hatchback small. When the three feet of snow came I parked very far forward and backed into my spot. There was minimal snow to be shoveled in front of my car so after that was removed I was able to pull out leaving behind a good

Because it's my God given right to have the freedom to launch DDoS attacks on whoever I don't like.

Tagging onto this question, how hard would it be to get back into if you played beta, v1.0 and some v2.0, have a few (likely poorly geared now) level 50s and have completely forgot how to play? I played the hell out of XI and to this day miss it. I wanted XIV to fill the void but life essentially pulled me away from

Your skin likes to be oily. When you strip it with soap it does in fact replace what's lost and often over compensates. Thus the need to shower again. You can prevent it from freaking out by re-oiling your skin after a shower. I use almond oil. It makes a drastic difference in how greasy I get. If I don't apply oil

If critical thinking was something we still taught in schools and highly valued we wouldn't need a platform where people need pictures to associate with words in order to make the world right....

Do people really need to see pictures of the other 99.9% of any group holding signs saying "NotAll______" to understand what

It does not include Predators. I'd hardly call this a Predator triple feature.

It takes far more mental gymnastics to believe there's some kind of conspiracy to tear down a guy who pretended to be an awesome dad on TV for money than it does to believe that a guy who got paid to pretend to be an awesome person used that image to veil that he's actually a pretty shitty human being. The best

Maybe you should be a little less of an ass considering Lindy made a recent Paltrow hating post so any other posts by Lindy about Paltrow, such as this one, are going to be linked with the new post. Calm your tits.

Get a grip on what? Name calling? Let me give it a shot.


Am I doing this right?

Really? Cause I rarely hear about all the gang violence. And aren't they usually just shooting up other gang members anyway? I see far more articles about a pissed off man murdering family, wife, ex-wife, and children. Then there's always the bi-weekly mass shootings of innocent people. Seems like there's far more

Cars and pools primary functions are not to kill. Huge difference. You cannot compare guns to things that aren't meant for anything but death. So compare guns to knives, swords, bows.

But how is she supposed to fight off the bad guys with guns and protect her children if it's at home, unloaded, in a locked box?

And until he actually murders someone no one will do anything about it.

Food should be viewed as fuel. Not entertainment. It becomes a lot easier to change what you eat when you're more concerned with the nutrients your getting versus only caring about how good it will taste. Suddenly all the vegetables become a lot more appealing knowing all the good stuff my body is going to get out of

I just don't get all the hate towards this woman. This article seems like nothing more than a haters excuse to use their own short comings as a means to tear down someone else. None of her recipes are that difficult, sounds like you just suck at cooking. Also you probably spent $300 on three days worth of groceries

Bagels are never good for you, gluten-free or not. Eat real fucking food.

Because gluten-free just so happens to mean people eat a lot less grains and carbs. Most everyone feels better and is healthier when they go low carb and avoid grains.

What if your family is dead? I'm being serious.

They really aren't any kind of special, bad or good. They had a few catchy songs. Hating Nickleback is just the trending thing to do. It may be due in part to an episode of Southpark. Because lolCanada requires no creativity.

Remember the backlash the Range Rover got for running over a biker when they were beating on his car?