
I agree obesity is not a disease. Obesity is symptom. Which is why it's so asinine when people say to simply lose weight. Humans aren't supposed to be obese. When our genes are expressed the way they're supposed to we're relatively fit with little effort. Problem is the shit diet the so called experts recommend. Grain

This just in! Headlines containing the words Might, May and Linked are all the information one needs to be an expert on anything! Go print off that PHD you knew you always deserved you sexy genius you!

Can't say I really like the new transformation. She doesn't look like she has any bones and she's unattractively thin to the point she looks like an alien. The OG Sailor Moon looked like she was tone and could actually put up a fight. The new Sailor Moon looks like she'd fall over with a strong breeze.

Is it possible that the need for sterilization stems from other sources the milk interacts with? Would they still be boiling the milk if it came from their own cow in their backyard where they control how clean the containers and what not are? Just wondering if perhaps there's other reasons and it's not due directly

Because likely the cow you're eating was exposed to all sorts of nasty shit during its short accelerated life kept in a tiny pen filled with it's own waste. Likely wasn't kept on a nutrient rich diet either so it's natural immune system probably sucked. If the antibiotics they pump it with don't kill everything

Why bother arguing with the hive? You aren't going to convince many to think outside what they are told as fact let alone go research anything beyond reading just a headline. Also don't they have to sterilize the shit out of milk because of how terrible the conditions the cows are kept and how dirty all the equipment

No, no you misunderstand. having sex without the sole purpose of conception is selfish and irresponsible

I think the point is that an employer has no right to discriminate against any particular kind of healthcare. Either provide healthcare thats suited for all, or none. Picking and choosing what healthcare is available to your employees and what isn't will ultimately discriminate against someone. Imagine in place of

Perhaps the solution to all the politics is to no longer call birth control... birth control. Cause technically you aren't even controlling 'birth' you're controlling conception worst case, best case you're just controlling hormones to treat women issues. So I suggest we rename it. hormone control or conception

Why pay for healthcare that doesn't cover the cost of healthcare? I know I bought this sweet new car and all... but I'm going to use this taxi instead because this dick head over here says I can't drive my car.

So women are awarded funding for higher education based off beauty? Got it.

That's most likely what would happen. Unless one of the automakers really wanted to cut competition and sell a lot of cars without taking the opportunity to make higher profits. I could see Honda pulling that one, they pride themselves on cheapness, or at least they used to.

I don't see how it really changes other than cutting out the middleman. Ford still gets to decide what they sell their vehicles for to dealerships. Perhaps if added cost to the consumer were cut automakers could afford to make better products because they'd no longer have to factor in the added cost of dealerships.

But aren't you really just negotiating down how much the dealership is getting? Technically you *could* get it down to what they paid for the car if you had jedi mind powers no? So why not eliminate negotiating down the cost of paying someone else to sell you the good and buy direct?

There's an opportunity to be had here. If it doesn't already exist someone needs to invent a device you can install in your vehicle that will like, call the police, or something when it detects a distressed child in the vehicle when it is off. Something along those lines anyway. I know the details would need to be

Hunting is bullying? It's obvious you're a fucking idiot. You're likely an angry fat fuck that failed every diet under sun and are full on the hater train for paleo/keto/HFLC diets. Hurry up and kill yourself with diabetes already you fat fuck. I'm done. All your responses are rage induced regulated bullshit. You

I really don't mean to come off as holier than thou. And if you read through the comments section from people calling bullshit they say a lot of mean snotty things. I really hope you beat your diabetes I really do. My SO is rail thin and lives off sugar, so much so he's earned the nickname hummingbird. I'm scared to

Well then does looking at it from an average person with average critical thinking skills make it easier? Like for me I just can't fathom how the, "balanced" diet could possibly be what's best for humans when the means by which to achieve it just aren't realistically available for a single person to achieve on their

What's wrong with my attitude? On the daily I have people shoving sugary things in my face constantly and getting angry at me I won't partake. I get to read articles like this only to scroll down the comments section and find people making fun of something I genuinely believe in and a lifestyle that has changed my

It kind of does those. All your systems are established off genetics that evolved off certain macros. Doesn't mean you have to eat bugs and berries but it does dictate the kinds of things you need to keep shit working right. As it stands the food pyramid is basically upside down. We weren't made to eat nearly as many