
Except coffee has been a constant for the past decade. Prior to switching from skim milk to heavy cream it really did nothing to suppress appetite. So increasing fat intake has been the only variable and it's had a dramatically noticeable effect.

Well what else do you want? The only way to prove you ass hats wrong is to just keep on a keeping on, not dying and living in amazing health despite doing everything thats supposed to clog our arteries and kill us. It doesn't matter at all the real MDs and scientists releasing study after study after study proving

It's not pseudoscience, it really isn't. But it's much easier to go with the flow isn't it? And you wanna talk about pseudoscience yet you claim it all comes down to gut flora? Really?

Actually I grew up quite poor and as a result my mom had a pretty large garden we ate from and my dad hunted deer. Do you know how long you can feed a family off just one deer? For a really long time. If my dad was super ambitious and killed 3 deer in a year we'd have deer just about every night and struggle to keep

Well when I drop dead from my high fat diet eat a bagel in my memory and give those silly paleo kids a good finger wagging!

I don't do butter, I do heavy cream because I'm lazy. But I eat when I'm hungry, not when the norm tells me I'm supposed to eat. I do believe forcing myself to eat when my body isn't telling me its hungry would be far closer to an eating disorder. Eat smarter. Eat to live not live to eat. Have you ever stopped to

No it does not. I try to eat as locally produced foods as possible and stick to a more fat heavy diet that includes a lot of dark leafy greens, fatty meats, healthy oils. I do not eat grains, I do not eat sugar, I'll allow rice as an every so often treat. I've never been huge on sweet things so avoiding fruit is easy.

Low carbing after you've already trashed your body isn't going to save it.

For a lot of people the calorie counting exercise route fails, and it's almost always due to a deeper problem which is insulin resistance brought about by the supposed, "balanced" diet. I wholly believe no one needs nearly the amount of carbs that are recommended as part of a balanced diet. Hell, without big

Yes I am, go tally up all the low fat labeling and then the low carb. Or go talk to 90% of medical professions and tell them how awesome you think bacon is.

What's so enraging is that when what's recommended to people as a balanced healthy diet fails them it's always because somehow that person did something wrong, or they must be lying about what they eat. So instead of calling bullshit most people just view themselves as failures and accept a life of poor health.

I'm glad you're on the correct path for proper human nutrition. Somewhere else in this thread is a dietician because saying the exact opposite. Most people don't know a damn thing and just go off marketing, seriously. All people need are buzz words and lots of green labeling on repeat. You could probably prank people

That's the thing though, bulletproof coffee is likely way more efficient use of calories because you won't be hungry until like dinner time. So if you're dieting to lose weight it's fantastic.

It's unlikely anyone will take the time to learn about human biology or the science behind it. Especially given the low-fat brainwashing. It's knee jerk reaction to reject any and all things with fat and then go down a, 'heart healthy whole grain' 100g of carbs (which is the same as sugar) bagel with their low fat

You broke the first rule about Keto.... prepare to be downvoted into oblivion! Oh wait, this is gawker with its retarded Kinja, carry on.

Arsenic is naturally occurring and small amounts actually aren't that bad for you. Take apple seeds for example. There have been studies showing how including certain amounts of into a diet basically explodes cancer cells since they lack whatever it is that most healthy cells have to protect them from the toxin. It

All the hate from people towards paleo. From people who are perfectly fine accepting that some how humans evolved to operate best off a diet that's only possible through massive agriculture and eating so often during a day that were foods not easily available and prepped by people making unlivable wages, you yourself

Why do they only show skinny women who don't really need these wearing them? I wanna see what they'll look like holding back and shaping all my fat.

For game studios reusing assets is like... kind of a huge deal. It's how they budget. It very likely wasn't in the budget to redo all the animations that go into it. I've only played AssCreed briefly but the character had a lot going on so I can believe it that they donn't want to do it all over again for making a

But cancer aids in population control with the added bonus of insane profits. Why the hell would it ever be cured? Answer, it won't.