I only wished I could have had a kraken club on my DNC when we did AV. Maximum haste + all the Double and Triple Attack. My TP was already pegged at 300 no matter how many abilities I used.
I only wished I could have had a kraken club on my DNC when we did AV. Maximum haste + all the Double and Triple Attack. My TP was already pegged at 300 no matter how many abilities I used.
I agree with you and share your frustrations. I've come to realize and accept that people are stupid and wholly dependent on visual based judgement on nearly every aspect of their lives. It's easier I suppose than putting any effort into any manner of thinking. From forming an opinion about a person, to what they eat.…
there's also nothing wrong with parents wanting their children to grow up surrounded by values that are important to them.
Man... I'm sick of America not getting ALL the cool shit. Best country on Earth? Please... I'm moving anywhere else. They get all the cool shit.
I'm in the game industry on the art side. The biggest road block is management. They forever seem to be working as hard as they can to do the worst things possible for development. The more out of touch and old the manager the more he has is dick all up in every nook and cranny.
Because this is a Capitalist country and everyone here is brainwashed real good into thinking our way of doing things is the absolute best and only way. Not for a second do people realized how they're being fleeced in every conceivable way possible.
Entitlement is the best way to demonize basic human rights and general decency.
Once upon a time I worked as a pizza delivery driver. This one particular evening I get back after a run and I noticed immediately after checking in that most of the store, including the manager, are watching this guy. He had just come in to pick up his pizza and was out front getting ready to go. At the time we were…
Glad to know my pantie wearing habits prevent me from receiving Christ.
Capitalism has zero interest in the health of a society. It's parasitic in nature and won't stop until this country is sucked dry. A healthy populous does nothing to increase profits, it only stands to empower the serfs which is not good for bottom lines.
Well the problem I see is that any kind of swat or smack is put into the, "OMG CHILD ABUSER" category. Clearly I don't think children need to be beaten and abused. But for the camp that's zero tolerance about any kind of physical discipline... it's just like, "What do you do then when talking at a toddler does…
Well I was the oldest and I got spankings. I finished college and even got a job right when everything was going to shit in 2009, don't have anger issues, and am generally very normal and boring. My younger sibling, upon my mom's insistence, was rarely spanked. They decided with him they'd go down the route of talking…
I don't get how people think you can reason with, or talk down a wild baby human that has next to no comprehension skills or reasoning. However as a biological creature with nerves and a brain they very much understand pain. It doesn't need to be explained, it doesn't require time and patience. So is it really that…
What if all you're able to manage is barely surviving? Is that living beyond your means? Should one go homeless instead in order to put away for retirement? Seriously, I'm not trying to be an ass. Genuine questions. My plan for retirement is to die by 55 because I have no hope of being able to save in the foreseeable…
Vaccinations are part of the problem of overpopulation. Anti-vaxers are looking at the long game and trying to ensure humanity doesn't populate it's self into extinction, you ignorant bastards. Without disease and natural predators what is there to keep our population in check besides World War 3????
I think I get what you're trying to say. People of color aren't afforded the same tolerances in body modification as white people. People of color are seem to be given the duty of having to be proud of their natural body with no allowances for modification else they're giving in to societal pressures. And for those…
I know it's common to say overweight people already have an unhealthy relationship with food however what does it mean for them when they eat literally the same exact things as their skinny or average weight friends, or even less, yet are still overweight? I think the hardest part about being fat is having the same…
Tip jobs are the best jobs. If you abolish tips those jobs won't be any better than stocking shelves. I was easily able to make $25 an hour delivering pizza after cost of gas. I know it's not the same as serving but still....
OMG guys! Sex, sex, sex, sex, guys like sex. We fucking get it. This video is so gross, I couldn't finish it. No wonder aliens don't make contact. They're afraid this is all we're about as a species.
Lindy you post a lot about diets. Is it because you're actively searching for a way to get your weight down? Or is it because you just hate diets? I'd like to suggest what I believe might be something you could totally do but I fear you've either seen it already and have already shat all over it, or you oppose diets…