
True that. How can you expect a child to eat food that isn't as appealing for health reasons when al the skinny kids seemingly get to eat whatever they want? It only makes the kid feel even worse about himself.

Is that $2 before taxes?

Why anyone think capitalism has the good of any society in mind is beyond me. The whole point is to take as much as you can be any means necessary. It's just the most modern and covert form of slavery.

I don't know.... I think Jessica Williams is fucking brilliant.

Well none of these things are close to drug store cheap, but you're paying not to slather yourself in shitty drying chemicals. Here goes:

I can totally let you in on what I use if you'd like.

Properly moisturizing after you cleanse is key. I condition my hair every single time I shower and I shower nearly everyday. Also I used to have the oiliest pizza face imaginable. I quit using soaps that foam and are drying. I actually use an oil based cleanser, and when I get out of the shower I don't get the tight

I know it'll sound crazy but the reason most people experience excessive oil problems is because they're striping the skin of it's natural oils, on top of all the shitty chemicals in most soaps. Best thing to combat oily hair or skin is to moisturize really well after cleaning. After a week or two you should see a

Or you didn't actually watch it and catch the part where he explains how happy he is about Riddick's success. The Riddick franchise is why anyone even knows who he is, it's his baby. And he gets to make another one.

I fear this will focus far too much on calories, which in my opinion is retarded, than whats in the food. I don't know about the rest of ya'll but I'm far more interested in what I'm actually eating versus how many calories are in it. Likelihood is if you're not eating shit calories aren't something to be terribly

I wish my mom had taught me the importance of being pretty. Now I'm going to die alone.

Rape culture just feeds into it's self. If rape culture weren't an actual thing no one would have reason to question the legitimacy of the word no. "But sir, the tee-tees tells me this is how wimmiz like it! What else was I 'sposed ta think?"

Doesn't this only stand to affect the people who don't really get what feminism is about anyway? Whoopty-fucking-doo. All the people fighting for actual equality aren't going to give two shits because women are more than just sexual objects. Anyone caught up in 3rd vs 4th wave feminism probably wasn't accomplishing

My current, "boyfriend" is pushing me to develop eating disorders. Never in my life have a given a shit about what anyone thinks of me. Now I feel guilty as fuck and so ashamed if I eat anything in front of him. I can feel him looking at me, secretly docking points for every bite I take. Next time around I'm going to

I feel like a weirdo but the absolute last thing I'm willing to give up is my cat. I'll let everything I own including my car go before I give him up. Little buggar is family and you don't do that to family. I can always get another car...

I know it's fairly new but can we add Kesha's song Timber to this list? It was introduced to me last night, once was enough.

Old Navy's round these parts carry those sizes.

I think he referring to her tummy. The window sil is ever so slightly off.

Either a light source or a mirror.

I got the same results, I'm from Delaware.