
Well for me it I developed self worth issues from being poor and the answer to everything I ever wanted being no. I coped with it by accepting that if I were as good and worthwhile as everyone else, I too would have a furby and a tamigachi and clothes that weren't falling apart. Seems like theres just no clear cut

Worked for me. Though I didn't take much. One or to spankings and after that the mere threat was enough to make me plenty obedient. Overall though I was a good kid, my parents lucked out. My brother... not so much.

Yeah I know it's a totally different story from imagining how you'd deal with imaginery kids versus

I don't get your feeling of shame but then again I don't have a kid. For me I'm more in the mindset of, "Yeah you had better fear me, until you're 18 I'm your god. I bring you food, I shelter you, all you require in life comes from me. Respect me tiny human for I can destroy you!!!"

I'm sorry but in my mind that's unacceptable. If that were my little shit he'd have done what I made him cause I'm bigger than him and and don't care how much my brat fought me. "Want to bend your knees? Hoooo'kay! Awww what's that? I unbent them and pulled your pants up anyway despite your best efforts you little

Because this guy equates gender equality and women's rights with a cultures preference on what they like to eat and how. Clearly women aren't real people, just property for a culture to do with as it sees fit.

No one ever writes up anything sweet about all the boxes I can check off a list :(

Because by shying away from the word they're only furthering those who aim to knock the wind out of the movement as a whole. It's a lot harder to talk about the issues when we have to pussy foot around it.

Further proving how easily manipulated anyone and everyone is. I'd wager most of these women support the ideas most dear to actual feminism. I say actual because most people associate it with angry fat women who hate men cause they can't get any D. The majority of the populous lacks critical thinking skills, only read

You're wrong and also part of the problem. You will not be the one who makes racism go away. It's obvious at this point you're just projecting your own inefficiencies onto others. Sorry you're so closed minded, but others aren't and do not need to live by the limitations you've set up for yourself.

Well I'm of the opinion that it's less to do about what supposedly causes cancer and more to do with us as a society being far more unhealthy. Is it everything causes cancer or have we just lost along the way better means of healing? Long ago it was believed cancer was a metabolic disease which I think needs to be

I guess I'm more so bothered by how much profiteering goes on in the name of breast cancer. The exploitation makes me sick. And the average person has no clue just how little of their well intentioned purchase actually goes towards the cause. :( I think there needs to be awareness about how bullshit most awareness

'Raising awareness' is fucking retarded if you ask me. What has the awareness level of the general populous actually solved? It's solved the problem of how to get people to part with their money that's what. I'd rather do the leg work to find a facility dedicated to breast cancer research, waltz up to their front desk

My kitties get food that isn't chalk full of grains because I really doubt that's what wild cats primarily macro is. Also graintastic food made one of my kitties really fat.

Maybe I should consider myself fortunate my mother was not girly in any sense of the word. Never wore jewelry or make up, not even her wedding ring. As a result I had zero guidance in what I should have been doing as the owner of a vagina. As a result of not knowing I should have been prioritizing my looks, I never

Maybe... just maybe, it's not so much all these things in the world cause cancer... maybe it's just we are more susceptible to developing cancer from any and all kinds of cellular damage due to, what I assume, shitty diet. Maybe just maybe the food pyramid is exactly backwards and the amount of sugar/carbs we consume

Oh look, Nissan is doing the world a favor and picking up the 2nd gen Fit that Honda seems to be abandoning in favor of that god awful 3rd gen. Thanks Nissan! I was so sad when I saw the 2015 Fits.

As a 2nd gen Fit owner, who was looking forward to someday replacing my Fit after I put a good 300k miles on her, I absolutely hate this. This is beyond fucking ugly. If this is the direction the Fit's are going it seems I'll be replacing mine with something else. So sad. The 2nd gen Fit hands down is the best looking

Yes, but in a sick way it's kind of entertaining watching the train wreck happen in your face on the daily over the course of a few years.

Unrelated but I know Danny Araya. Neat and weird seeing people you hung out with in college reach levels of success where you're reading about them on popular blog sites. If you're Kotaku stalking articles about you and you see this Danny, Hi!! Is Trendy looking for any 3D artist's by chance? XD

God I wish my bf could be happy with me being modest. He wishes I'd dress all slutty all the time, to which I say no.