
That's not the point. If someone said that sort of stuff to my wife, I have the option of just ignoring him and walking away, but that doesn't solve the underlying problem, people like this usually go unchecked because people think like you, this is someone who said fuck that, I'm not letting this go. If something

Unfortunately the babymen, MRAs, and other fellows who have yet to see their balls drop all come out in force when this topic comes up. I guess they're very comfortable with being embarrassments to the species, so what can yah do?

Are you implying that we should not be able to play a game we want to enjoy, that we bought, because the immature, classless behavior is acceptable? How about we play games we enjoy and DON'T accept uncivilized behavior?

Call of Duty isn't really known for its realism.

George Costanza approves.

Now playing

You could always just touch him on the penis...

It's also your choice to be informed about contraception available for you to use so that you don't act like a stereotypical fuckhead who realizes that you yourself have a decision in procreating or not, instead of lying and running away like a child. If you can't handle that, maybe you can't handle recreational sex

God forbid a business should make a profit.

Nope. I cannot have someone touching me when I sleep. We cuddle for about 10 minutes or so, then go to our sides of the bed (with a cat thrown in there somewhere). I also must have the room dark, white noise from a fan gentlly blowing, and blankets evenly distributed over my body. I'm a high-maintenance sleeper. :0(

Am I the only person that hates being touched or having to touch someone else when I sleep?

Spooning is the greatest thing. Get a warm body and an arm over me...

I had many of the same reactions that you did.

"Look somewhere else" = Altering your life? Jeez lady, you must have it pretty easy.

Uh, typically speaking I don't think victims of physical abuse have ever found words to be the most effective means of solving the situation...

I think the point of this article is to question why you want to dress that way. It may not be true for you, but how many other women have totally absorbed the belief that they have to look young and non-threatening, and that's why they like certain styles, even if they're not consciously aware of it?

I've been slowly coming to terms with being asexual, and having to deal with the societal pressure to have sex is pretty horrendous. There's apparently an appropriate amount of sex you should be having, and deviating from that in either direction makes you the target of a whole lot of shit. It really sucks. Preach it,

Having my whole bed to myself is THE BEST.

Nope. Chastity means following your religion's dictates which for Christians means celibacy for the unmarried, and only sex within marriage for the married. One is chaste if one is married and has sex with one's spouse.