
That was never said. You are free to weigh in on the conversation, but when you start in with bald-faced lies about the readership of the site, people will tell you to fuck off.

It's a miracle that with that argument that anyone gets arrested for child pornography nowadays. It's bulletproof.

Part of the reason that posting these kinds of pictures should be an illicit activity is the same reason that naked or compromising photos of children is illegal. Every time that those pictures are viewed by another person, the subject is re-victimized. The pictures stay on the internet forever, and can and will be

I think posting those photos online with the person's location and contact information with the intent of encouraging other men to solicit that person for photos or sexual acts gets a littler closer.

It kinda makes me wonder how much Americans are willing to spend in order to measure up to extreme and dubious standards of cleanliness that the culture has produced. A toothbrush and dental floss seems a bit much to me, but I don't understand what's so insane about a couple, who supposedly like each other a lot with

Better yet, you can have sex with people who can't yet get pregnant! Because science!!!

Better yet, you can have sex with people who can't yet get pregnant! Because science!!!

I think we need to stop speculating about arbitrary causes and start focusing on creating accessible support systems for young people with mental illness. Bullcrap studies about social media and its effect on people is just a smokescreen used to ignore actual people who live with mental illnesses. If I had gotten some

It's not so much that I'm being "made to feel like a rapist" as it is that I don't understand normal, adult social interaction, and therefore have to rely on what situations other people say makes them uncomfortable in order to direct my actions. I'm sure that a lot of women probably won't like being followed at night

So models and actresses aren't real women?

Yeah, I've kinda learned not to ask those kind of questions because I've noticed it kinda skeeves women out because they think I'm gonna try to pick them up. I really hate it when people ask where I live; that's creepy no matter what gender you are.

I know what you mean. I always feel nervous whenever I walk behind an alone woman or when me and a woman share an elevator, and I try to remove myself from the situation as quickly as possible to not freak anyone out, like walking way off to the side instead of right behind her. I'm kinda freakish to look as soo....

You can't brainwash someone without them having a prior established contrary socialization.

You want a constructive comment?

I'm sorry you spent all that time typing an opinion no one gives a shit about.

IDK I'd totally dress my son up in that french main outfit.

It's that slot called "I'm gonna hire this bro instead of a woman because bros do bro things and women only know how to sandwich". Basically it's a weird homosexual need to be surrounded by bros in your little bro work environment so you don't need to worry about the ladyfolk busting in on your dick comparisons. Ex:

If you were to divide music generally into 'learned' music and 'folk', than folk musicians were generally the ones who played music before writing it down, if they wrote it down at all. Most 'learned' composers wrote music on paper and heard it in their head. I'm pretty sure that Coltrane was one of the latter types