
Oh please. Where is the pubic hair, stretch marks, ingrown hairs, uneven labia - or any labia at all? And there's a thigh gap so big you could walk through it.
Way to promote unrealistic standards of crotch beauty, Jezebel.

"Convenient jism receptacles"? Seriously?

Oh, I'm sorry... the card says "moops."

SERIOUSLY? EEEE-lane not Eh-lane? Really Alex? With a straight face?

Women tell the truth that nobody wants to hear and get called liars.
Men tell the lie that everyone wants to hear and get called honest.

It's easy because I never bought their pasta anyway, but I kind of feel bad in these situations because plenty of decent folks end up working for these companies and now are like, "WTF... why couldn't he just STFU?"

Feminism questions and seeks to reorganize the power structures of society. As such, it doesn't matter what it's called. You can call it whatever you like; as long as it continues to question power (as it should), it will be inherently threatening to those who benefit from said power structures (as well as those who

The whole thing brought forward a lot of women speaking up about men branding themselves as feminists, but also silencing women and invading their spaces. Schwyzer was the worst example, but doesn't seem to be the only one by far. Someone else in this thread already mentioned men using the fact that they identify as a

I'm male and did consider myself a feminist, but the whole Hugo Schwyzer debacle has left me a little reticent to adopt the label these days. "Feminism is something you do, not something you are" seems to be a good way to look at it.

White Women y'all trip me out. You would think that you're first instinct would be " hey maybe we should pay attention to and support WOC and trans women and let them speak to their issues therefore getting them on our side since we were so clueless, dismissive and racist and work to make feminism intersectional"

I wish my dysthymia was diagnosed and treated when I was a kid. I may have actually enjoyed my life if it were treated properly, rather than just filling in time before I die...

I find it's easier to just shut down any conversation than to let it escalate. I never tell anyone to fuck off, but I do tell them, "I'm not interested," and I'm extremely clear about it. I think if you really tell men off for looking at you, that could be a problem... If you're just being hyperbolic, however, then

You better preach, Missy Thing.

They don't see it that way because it's something that will never happen to them. They'll never have a naked man who's sexually attracted to them come up and try to give them a hug, and so they can't empathize with how effing scary that could be.

Cant be racist if its true. The tea party sure as hell aint black!

Republicans: anti-sex education, anti-Planned Parenthood, anti-contraception coverage, anti-abortion, anti-SNAP.

I know plenty of people who are pro-choice but anti-abortion (i.e., "I would never get an abortion because I'm personally against it, but that's every woman's choice to make for herself.") That is a perfectly valid viewpoint.

Hitchens, of course, famously a being a woman-hating warmongering knob that's the kind of position one might expect from him to have taken.

These assholes on this red pill thing believe that women exist only for their own pleasure and as a bland receptacle for their own emotions and opinions. We women don't get to have our own feelings or opinions, and if we do and we express them we are "attacking" them and their masculinity or trying to manipulate them

I'm always curious about how tiny a man's dick is if he thinks that a post-birth vagina will be loose. Presumably, tampon boxes should have a warning on them say 'please note - if you have had children please do not use as you will scatter these from your vadge like dandruff'?