
Jezebel maintains a strict (and stupid) policy against putting trigger warnings up, ever.


Nooo, staahhhp. Humans aren't "meant" to do anything. This kind of naturalistic stuff is almost always bullshit.

"Intellectual" men are the worst.

I feel like that dance would be much better if watched while very, very high. There is a lot of flopping around involved.

so much depends

This is a debate you and I and others can have as adult trans women. But this is not an adult. This is a child. I'm not about to hold some of the issues you've brought up against her for that reason.

SHE. For fucks sake, SHE.

No. No. No. No.

Looks like this trend skipped the Detroit area. Seems like everyone wants a black dog or cat 'round here.

This practice, too, creates either unrealistic expectations or women, or feeble women characters.

Actually, the Kubrick film is a masterpiece of cinema, while King's novel is mediocre, poorly written rubbish.

The thing is, these dudes never want reciprocal ass play.

So I'm just going to throw this out there.

Ok, keep talking. But come up with better arguments. Just going "Call me a cynic, but that phrase ["I know you want it"] does not exactly encompass the notion of consent in sexual activity" does not make for a robust argument. Neither does decontextualizing the lyrics and superimposing them Project Unbreakable; just

Ok, yes this is creepy and rape culture is everywhere and Robin Thicke represents male privilege, but, this is getting ridiculous. The amount of articles Jez writes on Robin Thicke and how he's a creepy, rapey douchebag is ridiculous. He didn't invent rape culture, and while he seems douchey and profts off it, and the

I was gonna make this very complaint but shit like this has become so common at Jezebel that I just don't see the point in griping anymore. I'm just gonna continue to be disappointed 'til they hire a damned copy editor.
