
If only the world had some kind of group of men who were angered by the way patriarchy hurt men, and were interested in organizing around those issues to make life better for both men and women. Men who were activists for "men's rights", if you will.

Just out of interest, is LocalSP's post an example of 'mansplaining'? I hope I've not been guilty of this sort of thing, because I cringed a bit when I read it.

Maybe I would buy your BS if you had said something that wasn't so inflammatory. The fact is, you've contaminated your own "experiment". If you wanted to prove we're a bunch of man-haters, you should have said something more benign, then stated you're male. But let's be honest, you're only here to try catch a group of

The fact of the matter is, you are proving everyone's point when we say that marginalized people don't have a voice; you are completely ignoring everyone's voice, and creating your own narrative of what is actually happening. These people are telling you why they are not on board with what you're saying, yet instead

When it comes to human rights, I don't joke around.

The women didn't appreciate your dudely words of wisdom so you start to swear at them and cry reverse discrimination?

You're a piece of work.

Honest question for you: Are you trolling?

yeah, no irrational judgement based on things that you don't know happening in this comment.

It's absolutely cultural. Women are taught that seeming eager is bad; it makes you a terrible slut or somesuch nonsense. So we're supposed to pretend that we aren't interested and make men "convince" us to date/sleep with them, because that way we're not being slutty. It's complete bullshit, but it's also hard to

I've definitely used the fake boyfriend as an excuse. Because with guys like that, "owned by another dude" is more convincing than "said no." Which is super fucked up.

Short & sweet. If said dude making the advance wont take a simple NO. You have every right to twist the knife.
“When a man says no in this culture, it’s the end of the discussion. When a woman says no, it’s the beginning of a negotiation.” – Gavin De Becker

What really infuriates me is that the African American contestants were damned if they did, and damned if they didn't. Had they not swallowed their pride, they would have been branded "disruptive" and "playing the race card." Had they not humiliated themselves by going to the racist (aaryn) who was HoH and asking

Cue the mascara rivers on the white girls and indignant faces on the white boys talking about how their free speech should be protected when they finally leave the show and find out they've been shit-canned by their jobs.

His presidency would have been a joke. The circumstances under which he earned his Purple Heart were totes not sufficiently heroic!

I think it's important to be as respectful of your child(ten)'s right to privacy and security as it is to be respectful of your own. That is, if you wouldn't post a naked picture of yourself, don't post one of your baby. Because she's not only *your* baby, she is also a future grown woman. My 9 year-old daughter

But imagine for a moment if 90% of the games featured ass kicking women always saving the hapless, pathetic, but sexually and emotionally available doe-eyed men. Over and over and over and over. Eventually you'd probably like to see some of the opposite to bring a little balance to the gaming world.

Filner will be fine. I hear Gringotts is hiring.

"I don't understand why slavery is such a big deal, I mean, it's existed for all of recorded human history. Why is it a problem now?"

I was looking at the source material, and while I see that the median income for Asians is higher than Caucasians, I don't believe that is an entirely accurate statement.

White men can definitely face prejudice on an interpersonal level. i.e. someone could treat you personally like shit because you're a man and/or because you're white. And that's definitely not ok. It's never ok to be prejudiced or to act prejudicially based on such characteristics.