
In addition to robbing sweet young girls who've been sexually molested of the thing that helps them recover, there's a lot of neocolonialism in the anti-religious atheism. "Religion" is not just the Catholic Church, or Christianity, or even the 5 major world religions. Religion includes the faiths of different Native

He actually approached her and apologized.

I have to go there for research in August. I'm so relieved they are protecting the DIA art collection.

"I had to sign up for AOL Instant Messenger so I could talk to her later,"

"Viewings of "World War Z" and "The Lone Ranger.""

My 5 year old son uses CTFD technique on my wife a lot, expect he says "Breath Mommy,"

I like how when I have smooth legs I can't feel the wind. It's really freaky, no? Like our little hairs are windsocks that tell us where it's blowing, and when I have no hair it's like I can feel the wind on ever part of my body except my magic windproof legs.

Rush Limbaugh would make better fertilizer than he does a human being.

Why does he always look like he's trying to kill Batman?

Clearly it's women's job to solve this.

"Men are the only people who don't want to be humiliated."

I'm going with option 2

The fact that this seems so realistic to lots of women ought to be what concerns people, but nobody really ccares.

How come people only accept 'She's asking for it' as valid when it's stuff that men actually want her to ask for? When I ask for equality, better treatment, a raise.....nobody listens.

Why settle for just blaming the victim when you can blame the whole country?

It's a truly dumb argument even if the two things are the same. You don't get to walk into someone's house and steal their shit just because they forgot to lock up. It's still morally and legally wrong.

I was diagnosed a few years ago with a medical condition that makes sex extremely painful for me. So the husband and I don't have much sex these days. Does it make him frustrated - sure. I try to help needs in other ways, because I do think having a healthy sex life is important to our marriage at least. But not

"Do you want to have sex tonight?"

Excellent. I'm always on the lookout for a good Christian homemaker blog to raise my eyebrows at.