
Yep... they are both very aware that if they stoop to the level of Ginamarie, Aaryn and Kaitlin, that they will be somehow validating all of the racist remarks and will become responsible (in the eyes of America, houseguests) for their own abuse. It's really really sickening.

I think there is a whole big demographic of girls like this who would swear that they aren't racist and then say shit like this with their friends. And I am white. And constantly shocked by this shit.

You know what's the most fucked up & heartbreaking part of this whole clip? Howard telling Candice just to stand with him and be the bigger person. It is ALWAYS Black people who have to be the bigger people and that fucking sucks, because if Candice would have defended herself in ANY other way in the face of that kind

Wow. Racial profiling and stereotyping to make a cheap joke. Women are just not funny.

I can't help but feel this a charge increasingly laid at the door of almost any woman who manages to carve a space for herself in public view. I don't understand the "privilege" motif as if every woman must first win moral points through immediate suffering to be respected. Amanda has never tried to be anything other

The thing about quitting whatever you're addicted to, well, it's that there's often no apparent ready substitute for self-medicating that inner pain. There's a hole in your life that addiction used to fill, but now nothing fills it and it... it's just empty. Staring at you. That's why people relapse. Add in a close

It's so nice that Rick "no abortions except for my family members" Santorum showed up.

No love for Ron White? He seems to be the one crossover that people can stand. Plus, didn't he go solo?

Has David Lynch been tweeting about squirrels again?

I scored a Super Slut!!

In order to not be a slut at all, at age 28, you can have had, at most: 3 sex partners, 5 kissing partners, and 5 oral sex partners.

Wrong; thanks to inches, penis size correlates perfectly with the 1-10 attractiveness scale. 5 is perfectly average - most people think they're too good for it. 7 is their standard, even though it's especially good (it's the standard for very good, I guess). 8's an amazing find; 9 is aristocracy and 10 is a unicorn,

Yet there are also characters that have stayed mostly the same in Manga as well and have been around for a long time. Maybe not as long as American super heroes but most of those have thier origons pre-dating World War 2. But as an example let's take Bleach. Has Ichigo really changed all that much in his character,

Better stock up on those games now, guys, because THE WOMYN ARE HERE. Your precious RPGs and FPSes will be discontinued in favor of...

Have you read any of the comments, which are all full of first-hand stories?

"But point taken, tittie boy" - FYI, Ronda Rousey is a female MMA athlete.

Ahaha so now all of these negative traits are feminine? You keep on keeping on, you troll you.

Scrotum detaches from body entirely and follows its human around like a sarcastic daemon familiar.

Is this the guy who likes to clutter up any discussion about feminism by demanding that:

Agreed. This is horrifying. Standard MRA shit says "feminists assume all men are rapists," but frankly when this is the kind of thing someone is advocating, I'm putting myself in a potentially dangerous situation if I don't assume all men are rapists. So, which is it?