
Personally I think a factor for a lot of indies is that the creators grew up with Nintendo and are stoked to finally have their own games on it. WiiWare didn't take off due to the 40MB limitations on all games so now the WiiU has looser restrictions it's opened the floodgates.

Try this one

Actually Lucario's playstyle is quite different from Mewtwo's. Lucario is meant to get in the opponent's face and build up damage while taking it in order to be powerful enough to score the killing blow. Mewtwo's style is to out maneuver the foe and then gab and toss them off screen

How? If Lucario returns it doesn't affect Mewtwo. Zoroark on the other hand...

I think they're getting the vets out fo the way this time instead of Brawl where almost all the "secret" characters were playable from past games.

Well this gives hope to Star Fox and F-Zero for one thing.

I think I know why this game is everything Final Fantasy should be while the real FF is having troubles. It's because they're not pumping all the budget into making it look stupidly pretty.

This way they can have nostalgia sales without having a rabid fanbase picking apart every little change made.

Anyone see the car swap models for in the bugbear one?

True, good thing Nintendo does so at least MM fans have one thing to look forward to. (Two if you count Mighty No 9)

Nice. It's good to see Namco use it's old properties in new ways and for things besides crossover games.

I guess they couldn't justify putting it in cinemas to investors unless a bazillion bucks was being spent on fur physics.

Well that's good to know. The less time anyone has to deal with Steam support, the better

Yeah, Namco is sleeping on this one.

Evil never dies, just gets rebranded.

I'm gonna get the WiiU version but I imagine that most people will buy the 3DS or Steam versions.

The Murphy Bed has been made less lethal.

I wonder if the Bikini unlock from the last game will return or if they'll switch it out for something else to keep the "ack!" factor.

I'm trying to figure out why games are seemingly costing more these days but all I can come up with is that the amount of effort to make games look good is rising faster than any process to make hi-poly graphical design quicker and cheaper.

Love how Yu-gi-oh is now a genre.