Always bugs me when people call the stuff people do under duress their "true" selves. Though I suppose it's better than their "have too many conflicting priorities and no time to consider the possible outcome" selves.
Always bugs me when people call the stuff people do under duress their "true" selves. Though I suppose it's better than their "have too many conflicting priorities and no time to consider the possible outcome" selves.
The secret is to buy them as gifts and store them in your inventory. That way you're useless backlog that you bought on impulse becomes semi-useful gifts and if you wanna play them yourself you can just open the gift.
The can't kill what was never alive
I stopped playing but that was more due to the game starting to bug out on my computer. Methinks they need to do some optimization.
I dunno. I only buy games that I've been waiting for at full price and only pay attention to ones that maybe caught my eye when they go on sale.
A trick I learnt was to buy all games that you're only getting as a bargain as Gifts on Steam and store them. That way you can open them for yourself if you ever get around to them and if not, you've already done your holiday/birthday/"wedding-where-the-couple-are-cool-with-not-getting-silver-from-every-guest"…
Odder... My experience is Disney loves money to the point they're trying to rush Star Wars Episode 7 to get more of it.
First Marvel vs and now these. Odd... I wonder if it's licencing gibberish to blame.
Stifled by the no new pieces policy of Cussoo. And licencing.
I think Capcom pushing it so hard over the last few years may have been detrimental to it. Seems like it took Mega Man's place in their "Churn out a new one" policy.
It looks to be a little faster than Brawl so there's some hope.
Cards? Cards?! CARRRRDDDSSSS!!!
I can say as a guy who bought one, it works and makes gaming a lot less fustrating with the WiiU. Seems to be a bit cheaper in the US so you've got that going.
Only problem, how much does the controller use? Though considering the PS4 has that fancy touch thing and light bar the difference may not be as much as I think.
For curiosity, how much does a WiiU use?
Ironically the time of giving is the worst time of year to launch a kickstarter as most people have already used their disposable income.
The secret is to leave the closet after the narrator takes you for dead and then go back in. It's worth it.
Well considering everyone else went about and beyond to screw them and the fans pledged more than $800,000 for 5 characters.
I wonder what their numbers are doing.
The bots are either terribly programmed or someone is being a massive prick. Or maybe a massive prick programmed them terribly.