That demon has walked this Earth for too long. We need to slay it. Somehow...
That demon has walked this Earth for too long. We need to slay it. Somehow...
I'm betting it's the music industry's fault for all those crap reality TV shows to find the next star. They need to be humbled. HARD.
Wow... That was it?
Confirming my suspicion that stockholder pleasing is the root of 75% of bad business practices.
So that's why Twitter even considered that i the first place. Kudos to them for reverting fast but this is what happens when you put short-term gain ahead of things like customer loyalty and satisfaction.
To some PC gaming brings back bad memories of installing the thing into the wrong drive or your graphics card being too low end. Now that the big graphical race in gaming is slowing down and indies are on the rise PC gaming has become a lot easier.
My guess is release dates, some new miiverse feature and then one surprise, I'm not gonna guess because then, no surprise.
Console Animal Crossing games never do as well as the portable ones but are still a great seller. As long as it adds more to the game than City Life It would sell like golden hot cakes.
We call it a "War Criminal".
This is why we both fear bots and consider them unworthy to inherit the Earth.
It's almost the other way around. The humans were minding their own business when the Titans showed up and ate almost all of Humanity. They don't even need to eat to live, adding a horror mystery element to the series.
I happens. No-one is immortal and we have to move on eventually. Let's hope the games they leave behind are.
I glad they've got the "might as well be complete version" out before anything like that.
I hope so.
True, I got horribly lost but I enjoyed it.
Believe me, I only watched it on the off chance of Smash 4 updates. Switched it off as soon as it was apparent it was not happening.
It counts as casual because you don't have to kill things to progress. Unless you want a perfect HRA rating. DIE COCKROACHES!
Because they won them years ago when the game was new.
And even though the game itself crashes too much for my liking, using the second screen in place of that irritating split screen in Lego Marvel Super heroes makes the game much better.