
I think it's more a "it worked once but we won't admit it because there'll be millions of petitions." Still comes off as a jerk thing to say.

QUOTE | "I don't know why Iwata is still employed."—Wedbush Securities analyst Michael Pachter, on Nintendo's failure to bring old games to mobile and the "underwhelming" sales of the Wii U.

Well we can't have everything. Still better than Toad's hands, at least these are smooth.

Sakurai is the master of giving us stuff we didn't ask for but secretly wanted. And tripping. It can't all be good.

Wow, how full of yourself can you get?

Wonder how long AC4 takes to install on the WiiU, Ps3 and Xbox360...

The WiiU version of Lego Marvel is also better than it's coutnerparts, if only for the co-op play.

Greek Mythology is easy enough to sum up in one phrase: the Gods are pricks.

I wonder if Dreamcast people felt this way... Still, I have a feeling Mario 3D world will help boost sales.

Yeah, I think it would've been better if they made it it's own thing so it didn't have to compete with the imaginary Banjo Three-ie.

But without the failed promise of a beloved platformer's return attached.

I have to ask this of most Pokemon Professors.

Is the pope a bear?

Wow... We found an organisation worse than EA.

Doesn't matter whether he was furry or gay. He was an ass regardless.

Those powers yes but a few weapons got rebalanced as well for all game modes.

Are you implying games need anything else?

Why are there so many petty people with zombie computer server farms in the world?

I wouldn't like being recorded at work, if only because I think out loud and when I loose focus I start playing old cartoons in my head.

On a burger yes, but it may be the second coming for unhealthy salads.