
I expect the Smash Bros Boards to get too excited about the minute prospect of any details of Smash for 3DS being revealed.

Even if you aren't a Nintendo fan, you should support this. The guy knows his music and has made some great tunes for his comic over the years.

The sad part is I don't find that surprising. Shocking, but not surprising.

We all are.

Too many of them. And a lot them are/were high ranking politicians so even when they're caught all it does is chase them out of office.

Every time you do just remember this

Wow, now I understand why some employers look through the Twitter feeds of potential applicants. So many forget it's visible to EVERYONE.

Frankly I enjoy it BECAUSE of the exaggerated caricatures.

I wonder if Gen 7 will have a genetics lab where you can make a designer baby Pokemon... If it has it obviously won't be called that,

I'd hate to be the parent who just bought another version of Skylanders.

My first shiny in Y, Was a purple Lapras just given to me by a random in-game guy. I s***you not.

And as if we needed proof, I typed "wtf is" into youtube and Garry's Incident was the first one in the search options.

Or worse, get some more in to see if it's really that crap.

I'd say Biscuit is the lesser of two evils in this case no matter how you cut it.

I believe it's called the Streisand effect.

In a "it's painful to watch but can't turn away" type of way?

Like Fez, a toolbag of a dev (team) makes me loose all interest I may have had.

Don't forget the worse endemic, toolbags who put up Zigzagoons for level 100 Mewtwos on the non-random GTS. Nintendo should have a "Nope" button for calling out BS trade offers like that.

I've got a system for catching lots of Dedenne because they're too cute to KO and cause it's quite rare otherwise so I flood the Wonder Trade with them. Even if I get a Caterpie, that's another lotto number. Go in with low expectations and be nicely surprised when you get a good one.

Ironically enough, Mega Charizard X is one of the few Dragons to resist Fairy attacks and the only non-legendary to do so.