
That is the reason why I'm rather curious about what is going on.

Surely, surely something is up. What has been happening is rather weird.

Except that this writer fucked her.

Social media. Post. Raise awareness. Don't let people ignore this.

Well, there that is. To the surprise of very few.

Unrelated to your original comment- Racism is as globally relevant as soccer, or to steal another commenters analogy, drug addiction. Wish everyone would stop acting like this is not a global issue and the US is some sort of bubble of bottled and media buried racial tension. This exists EVERYWHERE.

"Ever hear the term 'never burn bridges?' Well, Howard Lincoln, the former president of Nintendo US, made our lives miserable during the 1994 Senate Hearings on Video Game Violence. Not only did he quietly suggest to congressman, though the use of Nintendo-supplied and heavily edited footage, that they should demonize

They're writers, not management. They can only complain to the higher ups for so long before doing what they know best, writing about an issue.

This comment is victim blaming 101.

When it comes to exclusives, people expect exclusives to be made by the studios that Sony and Microsoft own. People are getting mad because every other game in the series was multiplat and now they make this one game exclusive to the Xbox One because Microsoft threw a lot of money to them. Really, this game should be

I always laugh at comments like these. Xbox has fanboys too you know, and they would do exactly the same thing if this happened to them. At the end of the day both consoles have fanboys and both are as bad as each other. One of them is not worse than the other.

And it's not like this is Bayonetta 2 or Dead Rising 3, a.k.a. "a sequel that wouldn't exist if a first party wasn't entirely funding it." This is something that was coming to both regardless until the bribes came along.

To be fair, while there's some overreacting, this is a series that has been multi-plat since before people even knew what the hell an XBox was. Plus, it's the sequel to a multi-plat game that has just this year been re-released on PS4. It's a valid complaint.

I may just be a novice game developer and a kotaku-commenter, but EA's excuses smell like BS to me.

Ah yes, just like how Simcity had to be online-only, because it had to use cloud computing.

I'd rather duct tape (or nail) my broken door shut than wait 6 months for the repairman.

Look at Diablo III for console. All the innovation with no always online. Well almost all, it lacks the failed auction house.

Do you really expect us to believe that EA had zero creative input on the development of SimCity?

when Maxis was acquired by EA Will Wright maintained complete creative control over Maxis

You had me listening until the pretentious as fuck "Oh" in the last paragraph. The last refuge of the "Have nothing relevant nor correct to say."

Someone said it here best, 2 weeks to fix, rest of time preparing legal plus PR spin.

You guys have burned customers far too often, so you will NEVER ever get a pass again.

"Just fucking deal with it already because this is how its going to be with all publishers"