
IF this is the case then I could play the modable PC version of Skyrim and have button binding that make sense instead of left click to control right hand and visa versa.

Looks like my comic didn't qualify. Shame. Hopefully we'll have improved enough by the next time a vote for Sunday Comics goes up to qualify.

Surprised that Little Inferno is still up there after all this time.

I wonder if people would ask Aid charities for their money back if the goat they sponsored died?

The question is (if true) which Robin. I'm betting Jason Todd. And he dies in less than 10 minutes.

I'm missing Smashboards so I'll put my crazy conspiracy here.

I wonder how this is all gonna end. Maybe it'll get the game enough attention to be Greenlit. But that's not the real story here.

No but I saw a live demonstration of a sea rescue helicopter and had a physics teacher that was such a grouch he put me off the subject for good so excuse my ignorance.

Aw, what the hell, I'll go ahead.

Are we allowed to submit our own? I want to be able to post it on Kotaku again after Generic Title ruined it all for the rest of us.

Awkward Zombie hits the nail on the head. Why can't Helicopters fly out over the sea in Civ. Feul doesn't seem to be a problem.

Perhaps he thinks he fooling himself.

But could Beck beat Zero?

To American WiiU Gamers,

Sadly no. There's about 20 or so with the 2 Kuryum figures being exclusive to special editions. There's a lot of popular ones like Lucario, Deoxys and Mew so hopefully there's something for everyone. (Call me when they add Gardevoir and Grovyle.)

True, it's better with the toys though I find it's best to stick to 3 at max cause you're not gonna get the cash in game to keep them all viable without grinding. So buy multiple figures if there's one you're after, otherwise stick to 2.

I wonder if there'll actually be any mechanical differences.

And if they succeed what does that say?

Numbering the potential sequels is gonna get confusing.

I suspect that's a nice side bonus.