
The Kuryum that you get in the special edition are really powerful and you can use them from the start. I don't to keep the challenge.

This game is more fun with both the figures and friends. Or a friend. It's good for some quick fun and leveling up the figures is satisfying but the game lacks depth as a single player experience.

I guess it has to look good for the investors.

I prefer to add minor gameplay tweaks like lighter potions or slightly boosting the cost of firewood to make selling it worth a damn but all these whacky ones look neat too.

I can think of a lot of cool things to do with an oculus but I wonder if it's something that you'd use every day.

How many tell themselves he's doing it ironically so they can sleep at night?

Where would one rent a botnet? Not something they'd have out in the open methinks.

Think of it as Trolling on a mass scale. I don't know what they gain but I'm sure the net has a word for it somewhere.

Whoever it is must really hate smash as botnets aren't as cheap as all those anon attacks would have you believe. Speaking of cost, if it ends up being expensive for smashboards I'll buy a premium membership just because.

I'll wait for the physical version because I need me that new game smell.

Looks like they'll need to mod some clothes on them. Like the bizzaro version of early texture hacks.

And one problem that affects JRPGs the most but I've seen a lot of western games with it too.

One other problem I can see with Japanese games is they think too close to home.

• Japanese games are too talky, and their stories aren't good at evoking empathy

That made want to love you and punch you at the same time.

So long Brentalfloss the Comic. I just bought the BF Ducktales Moon theme off itunes for obvious reasons.

Sometimes I wonder if cheating in pokemon is like cheating in real athletics but then I realize that would only be the case if you could materialise athletes or race horses from thin air.

Sounds expensive.

Zoo Tycoon? Why did I never hear about this?

They did. It's that downlaodable Pokemon Rumble U. The Main difference is A. It doesn't NEED the toys to work (but it helps) and B. the toys are sheaper but blind packed so I hoep there's not one specific one you wanted. I got Eevee on my first try so I'm cool.