
So to summarize the standings for the 3 toy based games

It's not bloom, it's the light conditions that the camera took the picture in. At least I think it is.

The prequel was called Metropolis Street Racer, only adding to the confusion.

With the name pattern they had going I thought the next one would be named after the Flash or Green Lantern's home cities.

And a shitstorm of misogynistic rants appeared on the horizon...

Goddamnit! My first reaction to seeing the picture was "Holy crap! Mewtwo in Smash 4!"

Nintendo isn't just as rabid as Square about shutting down fan projects but that's like saying a severed arm is better than two.

Brawl in the Family will be returning soon so thank goodness for that.

Also, that bunny looks like the ones from Super Mario Galaxy.

I wonder if there'll be more than the 6 MegaPokemon. Arceus knows the havok Mega-Blissey could bring.

The correct term would be cross-channel arrows.

The problem, RPGs are about 2 things at heart: Story and battle mechanics.

That WiiU stat has been thrown around a lot. I wonder if the number will be higher in the next period. Bet your arse no one (bar ninty centric sites) will report it if it is.

They should make a function on that reputation system to record and send the last 5 minutes of racist and/or homophobic ranting their 12 year olds did. Half of them wouldn't care, no doubt but I'm sure it would at least make shooter games a little quieter.

I can't help but agree. At least call it the Super or Ultra Wii, despite all the giggles that would get.

The real fun is watching other people fail at it.

Fortunately the cost of conversion to Ouya is less than a afternoon's work for maybe two programmers so a lot of devs are doing it as a "why the hell not".

That one dingus who made and posted the terrible 3d Comic Generic Title kept posting despite everyone asking, then threatening him not to.

I was away on holiday and when I come back one arse ruined it all for us webcomic people trying to get some extra publicity. Ah, well. Hope you'll come and see my stuff. I won't leave my link on fear of being banned.

I hate it when people subscribe to the "One/few people are jerks sot the rest of you can't have nice things from me" school. Who funds that bloody place? If I knew it's address it wouldn't be there much longer.