
Considering how many DBZ villains were random words from other languages.


I don't know. We can only hope they didn't want all this to happen.

Are the people in charge of this actually robots that are programmed to ignore the phrases "Single Player" and "Offline"? It seems they're keeping their heads in the sand.

I guess voxel is the new pixel art.

Looks like Clank's gameplay from Ratchet & Clank: A Crack in Time.

Seems you're not a manga writing person unless you're getting death threats but the bucketload.

So that's why no more of Nintendo's consoles are that awesome purple anymore? Sigh, tech these days all has to be black white and/or silver.

The Train station theme.

If that was true 99% of politicians would be behind bars.

Hmmm... I'd like to take a closer look at this data. There may be another motive.

Considering the top Kickstarter got $10,000,000 you'd be sadly right.

AAA games are victims of Mass Marketing costs. Distribution and Packaging has little to do with it.

So the only difference is there's no app that lets you mess with that crap on the go. Wonder how long it'll be until someone make it.

How much are they? Anything we could kickstart?

Now playing

And if nothing else, Jon won the most of the VS. episodes.

And they never finished Sonic 06... Then again maybe it's the best for the sanity of all involved.

I thought they changed the law on this crap a month or so ago. Looks like Aussies have to put up with crappy video game policies as well as vicious wildlife for a while longer.