
I got an e-mail from my Tea Party Patriot coworker claiming that the Black Panthers jersey has been seen hanging around peoples' computers bullying them into voting for it.

ESPN 30 for 30 presents —

When I am old and retired, there are few things I'd like better than to sit outside on the second or third story and troll drunk people. Ha. Well, actually there are several things I'd like better BUT that is on the list. I feel like I have to act professional and dignified now, but at 75? That nonsense is out the

But the socks clash with the rest of the uniform! Like, badly! That said, can uniform designs officially become a part of this upcoming fantasy season?

Another example of how being stuck at Candlestick has hurt the 49ers. Until they relocate to Santa Clara in the heart of Silicon Valley, they will not have the technical know-how to set up a voting bot capable of beating Mayberry RFD.

I don't think anyone would argue with that. Nobody here is defending Ryan Braun, we're just highlighting that if you are angry with Ryan Braun for cheating, you should be especially angry with the guy who fucked up and allowed him to keep cheating.

We don't live there anymore, but my mom still owns it. It was such a neat place to live growing up though. I guess this was taken, like, two or three years ago? There's a little finial thing that lives up top, but we had to take it down for a while because bats started nesting in it and getting down into the

I do read, actually. For instance, in the text I quoted there's a comma after "collector," not a period as you seem to think. As in "collector" is part of a list of several things about which Braun and his people learned that made them question the validity of the test. Including the collector's role in interpreting

In fairness, being right 95% of the time is a decent strategy.

Next week on "Failed Tests and Apologies",the Anthony Cromartie story.

Sounds like a blast. My sorority sisters (bless their New Jersey souls) still can't get over the old pictures I have up on Facebook from a random off-season hog hunt. Because, like, omg GUNS. Their minds were totally blown when I explained to them that Mallard Ball is supposed to co-incide with the first weekend of

I love them, and my mom thinks I'm a crazy person for it. I did have to kill one at the barn the other day, though. It kept trying to hide under the feed bags and I couldn't get close enough to actually catch the stupid thing without burying myself under 300+lbs of grain.

I love these stories so very much. It does make me sad that Mrs. Erg kills the snakes, though. Snakes are great, and also they kill rats, and rats are only slightly less gross than possums.

Thank you. If it helps, the good guys win.

Sean, I mostly agree with you, because the guy didn't even lose his job or anything, but Braun's entire quote is as follows:

Good article.

For anyone who might be interested in an old man's ramblings, the trilogy is finished.

Well, you think it's bad this evening, wait to see how big their dick is going get when the A-Roid punishment is handed down. Hide the women and children.