
Like most Deadspin commenters turned superstars.

In related news, Penn State's board of trustees just approved the largest tuition increase in the history of the school . . . .

What's more inexplicably annoying? Don Dahler or a 32 second mandatory commercial prior to a 20 second video clip?

Pool Dunking- At least we don't have to worry about the black kids dominating.

What we've learned today:

Shiner Ruby Red is proof that God exists. I crave it so badly when it's not in season. And not being able to get any Shiner at all when I'm at school is pretty much the end of the world.

Exit Salad

Exit McCarver

"Bhig Fat Fuk scores a triple in All Star Game"

... of Cooking

He should be embarrassed and ashamed. I mean, what kind of person actually admits to eating at Popeyes?

What a coincidence, I have a Dominican carrying my favorite team too.

Beer. A pale, crisp, refreshing beer. Ephemere by Unibroue is my pick.

Canadian: What are you saying - I can dodge bullets?

What of emotional distance, dude?

Pete Rose looks up from betting slips, nods; motorboats girlfriend.

After watching his awe-inspiring efforts, the crew of the Nebuchadnezzar didn't have the heart to tell him they'd accidentally plugged him into the old Atari server.

Note: We can neither confirm nor disprove that this man is Doug Exeter, because frankly, by the looks of him and his wardrobe, he could be literally any Canadian person over the age of ten.

I love the idea that the ones from Ukraine are called Svexbot. Like they're all named Svetlana. It's wonderful.