
Jones: [throws a haymaker]

It might look easy, but it's hard to make it in women's skeleton. Probably your best bet is to get Kate Moss drunk

*weird finger motion* YES, venture capital firm, airbnb for dogs IS a good idea, you WILL give me three billion in startup capital with no strings attached. You're SO SMART for having thought of it. Toodles!

in Soviet Russia, man in leather pants gets rammed from behind by YOU.

Not shown: Russian driver picking cyclist up, putting cyclist in car, and having cyclist stuffed and mounted for trophy room.

"Kids, drinking and driving could lead to serious consequences, like jail time, injury, destruction of your car, or becoming the head coach of the Nets."

I think you're drastically overlooking music snobbery here. Music has one real purpose: to entertain you in some way. If it entertains you, it's good music. It doesn't matter one bit whether anyone else in the known universe finds it entertaining — if it entertains YOU, it's good music for YOU.

BBQ snobs. Woodworking snobs. Guitar snobs. Vintage car snobs. These are just the ones in my chosen hobbies. The thing I find most infuriating is that they don't even compare your results to their results, it's that they compare them to the results of some well-known practitioner that they've become a disciple of

[watches video]

[lives in glass house]

I love the tone of this piece, the disdain for ESPN's site where people could "anonymously post their unpunctuated thoughts about sports while hiding behind the shield...". I for one, HATE places like that.

Occupy Tebow > Tebow

Ok, but he must have been born near the Cuba/Mexico border then.

About four per kindergarten classroom.

Selig: [dictates urgent letter to Dodgers ownership in Los Angeles]

This is actually quite common for people like Bud. My girlfriend's piece of shit leather handbag has never sent an email either.

Now playing

For those of you who are unaware, Sean Newell has a weekly post about his efforts to maintain a regular schedule of running. In it he sets out a playlist of songs he has selected to accompany his workout. If you haven't been following them, you should. Here's today's.

Thirstless bro, American beer.

I always pegged Eli Manning as a Coors man.

The best part is that it pissed off the other keeper.