
People generally rebel on liquid focused diets - there’s something about solid food that humans just psychologically need.

Oh I’ve read it and loved it and reread it and loved it more. I have read every single thing I could lay my hands on written by them. I loved the edge, especially the earlier ones. Have you read the Innkeeper chronicles? George, jack, and lark show up. I really want to read their stories.

Not to mention, it has a race problem. The black droid gets beheaded, then the Asian droid is sacrificed so the white one can have a life. This isn’t presented as social commentary on current values, which might have saved it. It’s just the old standby racist cliché.

Yeah, leaving to die the one person who cared about her and helped her, that’s great catharsis.

Apologies to all who recommended it so highly: I hated that stupid movie.

Controversial opinions: Bananas are revolting.

They are excoriating him for it because he demonstrated that he lacked basic knowledge on a topic he talks about constantly. He isn’t wrong about how the system is fucked, but it is a problem that he has zero interest in figuring out how to fix it beyond giving speeches. I like the guy, but this is a serious flaw of

Absolutely. This is the boat I’m in right now, pretty much. I’d love to buy a house at some point in my life—ideally sooner rather than later, since I’d rather be building equity than throwing rent money into a black hole. But I’m currently spending a significant amount of my income on rent (and I don’t live

I’ve been meaning to read him for a long time! Venus in Furs is better on paper than celluloid.

Kids, keep your hands to yourself. Adults, save the prosecuting for real crimes and how about just give these grabby kids a stern talking to and explain what sexual harassment is so they don’t carry this crap with them to adulthood.

Exactly. Seeing plenty of armchair laywers that “Oooh man, Jim is mean so it’s not a real criticism or review”.

Whereas Cole commends those with what he described as an “internal ethical urge that demands... each of us serve justice as much as he or she can,” he cautions such individuals to keep in mind that, in most contexts, the narratives of those we are trying to help are more complicated than we may initially presume.

I really don’t get why people dislike it so much. I found it hilarious....tears streaming the face, gasping for air, balls out hilarious. How can you hate a movie where ”I love dogs” is romantic dialogue?

I like your handle!

Those are perfectly reasonable requirements, I hope your city doesn’t cave on that. It makes complete sense that they would need a commercial license, insurance, and especially a background check. These are exactly the types of regulations I’m talking about.

I love this story. Your friend is a badass.

JUST GONNA SIT OVER HERE CRYING GUYS. I’m so sorry for your loss. I’ve owned both cats and dogs and losing them opens up a hole in your heart that can shock you, especially if you aren’t prepared for the pain. You did a great thing by providing him with a home while he was here. You’re good people.

These things have a set of rules and regs that make the Navy SEALS look like a bunch of dilettantes. You WILL wear the white tuxedo jacket or they will never find your remains.

I wish people still dressed up like this. I love my jeans and all, but I don’t even own any formal gown anymore (except my wedding dress), and so many men don’t even own a suit, let alone a tuxedo!