
You have no idea! When my niece was a deb a few years ago, my son was her escort. The dress code was so strict that I had to write it down, and take it with me to Men’s Wearhouse to get the tux fitted correctly, and make sure I had EVERYTHING listed, including gloves. And that was just the escorts! Dear Dog, that was

Yeah, this is something that really bugs me. I engaged a HS acquaintance on FB about a lot of anti-Hilary stuff he posts. He’s a Sanders supporter (cool) but really verges on BernieBro territory (not cool). The conversation was pretty civil, but all he kept doing was responding by pasting general websites at me, as

That’s pretty common in elections. Democrats in general firmly believe that lower and middle class voters who support republicans are doing so because they’re not smart enough to understand that democrats are the ones with their best interests in mind, not those evil republicans. And of course republicans believe that

I've noticed this as well. In a way, that's just part of how positive campaigns work - you educate people about your candidate and hope they come around. But in this context, there's a kind of condescension to it...silly women and minorities, if only you knew better you'd realize that my candidate is way better for

I have a cousin like this. I’m like, no, I know. Bernie’s awesome. I like Hillary better. And he’s like “BUT NO YOU AGREE WITH BERNIE!” And I’m like, “yep. I do. I also agree with Hillary and I like her better.” “BUT BERNIE!” Rinse, repeat.

God, be careful what you say!! They’ll come for you!

Smart move on her part.

32 and i just hate sucking at games. i love games but damn it if im any good at them. so i always go single player games. no mmos no shooters. but i really REALLY want to its been a lifelong desire of mine

Kara, Yoga is dead I’m sorry

She does call her mom. Just not as much as her mother, a self-absorbed pest, who thinks her college age daughter should be calling her. This women clearly thinks her daughter should be on-call to return her dippy texts all damn day long. Sorry but the kid is in class or studying. She’s busy. If mom went to college,

I assume that if mom can pay for this type of school, although expensive, it’s not so far out of the family’s financial means. Otherwise wouldn’t the mom go into how big of a financial burden this is?

Here’s the thing about gifts and strings. If someone gives me something and says I expect x in return, then I better provide x if I accept the gift. But if they give me something and just expect that I will provide something in return, then not only am I not obligated to do so, I might not even know the expectatin is

I’m a bit the opposite here in Edmonton. I can easily go without AC and still function. But without heat I will literally die.

That sleeping bag is sold out. I clicked because I would so buy that shit because my office is APPARENTLY IN ANTARCTICA!

Tom Jones wants to get his DNA tested, just to be 100-percent certain that he doesn’t have any black in him. Because

This is an almost done garbage truck for our three year old. My husband made a vest and hat too.

I will be agent carter and people will yell at me “Hey Carmen Sandiego.” just like they did at Dragon Con. Grumble.

If its not too personal a question, do you only have the one arm so the arm rig is authentic? or do you have both arms and are just dressing up the one to look like the arm rig?

Furiosa ftw! I skipped the arm part because I’m just going to a house party where no one else will be putting in that kind of money and effort. But I got the goggles and everything else. I wish I had the skills to make my own costumes.

I think I’ve seen those people! Only this time they were encouraging their child to hold crackers out to a raccoon. A raccoon that was walking w an unsteady gait through a crowded park at 2:00 in the afternoon. Also the “ranger” was like, an eighteen yr old kid from a private security guard company who was