
1) Completely redoing your constitutional model is not easy. Why haven’t we Americans gotten rid of the electoral college? It’s anti-democracy, after all. Having a queen with no formal power is less anti-democratic than having Presidential canidates get over 2 million more votes and still lose. Changing things is

The body does not ache in dry cold. You also warm up faster once you get inside when it is dry. -17 in Alberta, shovelling the in laws pathway wearing nothing but Jeans, t-shirt, boots and a goretex jacket. Refreshing.

The lyrics are staggeringly awesome: ‘Shall we make a friend or make a dog tonight?’

Maaan, it would be very therapeutic if there was a new season of Drag Race airing right now.

And you can’t up all of them because then you’d be a high-performing sex computer.

I went into the pilot very concerned about that specific issue based on the way HBO has handled other shows (The Sopranos and the first several seasons of GoT), and came away feeling far less concerned. If anything, Westworld reminds me most of the Battlestar Galactica reboot, in terms of its treatment of violence and

Just a guess, but probably not the independent bookstore that said they lost money agreeing to being used as a set (for a skit that pretty much just straight-up mocks the owners of the store)...?

Her number was also the shortest, by far. She had no material to work with! I thought Roxxxy deserved to be in the bottom over Katya. I totally forgot she was even in the performance until her number came up.

That Princess Di shit was TERRIBLE. She’s the only one who got a person who is: 1) quite clearly in public memory (so we all know what she’s supposed to look like), and 2) pretty much known for being a nice person—so much for “Bad Bitches of HERstory”! They gave her the weakest character, and while you can argue that

I’m sort of surprised by how many people are like “Wireless headphones are the future, man!”, when 1) the sound quality is still SUPER poor on most of them and 2) you have to charge the fuckers all the time. A lot of people listen to music throughout their workday, etc., and 5 hours is not a huge amount of charge.

Seriously. Anyone that follows womens soccer knew this was a long time coming. Who cares if men get away with the same shit. I don’t support asshole male athletes either.

Except ... safe spaces kinda do exist in the “real” world — in the form of the anti-harassment policies in the workplace. Mine, for example, trains us once a year on how we’re not allowed to discuss race, sex, politics, etc. and gives us tons of examples of “things you probably wouldn’t think twice about saying, but

I read an expert who said it was his way of taking him to safety (in a gorilla fashion). I imagine if we looked hard enough we could find someone who said it was his way of communicating that the boy should go get him some warm porridge.

She’s in her 80s ... I think her use of “whatever” was not in the dismissive tone you use it here.

The world where Superman and Captain Marvel are dating.


If anyone feels particularly compelled to help, the Canadian Red Cross is the best place to send your donation money. There is literally an entire city that is currently homeless, sheltered by friends, family and good Samaritans who have offered up empty rooms in their homes, unrented properties, etc. to complete

It’s going to wash over the world with prettiness.