
I’ve got a friend from Nigeria with 4 first names and 2 last names - the first names variously assigned from each of his parents, a grandparent and a godparent, and then last names from his mother and father. At this point in his life, he just goes by the combination of names he likes best.

I’ll bet it’s probably cheaper, and with a lower failure risk than waterproofed electronics

Uh... because I have to create documents, not just write words. If it matters what it looks like as a PDF or as a printed document, because it is being generated for standalone human reading, then I need something that can do automatic formatting, use styles and templates, generate automatic tables of contents and

Yeah, I started on Lexapro too, and my dreams are also now Weird As Fuck. This was not listed as a side effect, but I don’t know how you measure dream weirdness...

Pretty sure that last pic is two guys, unless that’s an exceptionally flat chested, masculine woman with a beard shadow.

Considering LEDS last forever, I’m guessing it’s a built in obsolescence 

I 100% believe that chickens are the direct descendants of dinosaurs now. Look at that thing. It’s like 80% raptor already

Yeah, I used to have that experience with my alcohol and my skill at pool (billiards). There was a sweet spot of Juuuuust enough to drink and I could completely cream everyone. The zen you describe - of being confident, unconsciousness, with your inhibitions lowered enough that you don’t second guess any of your

Your experience with the Stim pak sounds to me a lot like how I felt the first time I ever downed a Red Bull.

This is sort of weird, but that blue stripe on Goldblum’s chin intensely reminds me of a liquid eyeliner I had in the late 90's early 00's. It was a bright blue chrome that was impossible to remove from skin, and also smelled faintly chalky. I don’t know why I owned it, because it was both impossible to use and

Well, I got my layoff notice yesterday, so I might take this advice. Happy friday sort of?

Hmm, that’s a bit of a complicated question. I’m pretty sure that by the time I was about 10, I was fairly confident about where my family was, financially, compared to the families of my classmates (a distinction measured in gel pens and where you went on summer vacation). However, all my public school classmates

It absolutely is - I believe Atwood is the biggest selling Canadian author for last week. It made my local news as an “economic indicator”

Well - as for age, if you are casting a 23 year old character, you don’t actually need a 23 year old actor - you just need someone who could plausibly look 23, and you can see that from a photograph. So, if you are a young looking 30 year old actor, there shouldn’t be any issue with consideration for a part, apart

I don’t know that I’d agree with you, as an Albertan. I can stand dry cold to a much colder temperature than moist cold. At like -5 C, dry cold is almost pleasant. At high humidity, a -5 C moist cold will start freezing your eyelashes to you face.

Hi from Canada, where it was -3 F Today, without windchill (Something like -22 F with windchill). I walked to work in jeans and I forgot my gloves.

Ford doesn’t even need to be that much of a genius study of human character, because it didn’t need to be Felix specifically - She just needed one of the techs on her side, and it could have been any of them. In fact, she had several pathways forward - Sympathetic, easily overcome Felix, one of the (several) sexual

I sort of got the implication that being found naked on a horse would undermine his credibility because he needed to be rescued, naked in the wilderness by park staff, raving about how William’s really the crazy one who betrayed him. In the meantime William comes back under his own power, perfectly rational sounding,

I’m already a huge fan of Alessia Cara, so I’ve listened to her take on it about a hundred times already, even though I knew it was doomed to be less popular to the version that gets sung in the movie.

I thought it looked kind of child-sized, but maybe that’s me. I’m theorizing there are a whole bunch of creepy immaculate Ford-children running around the park.