
He indicated that he could fix the dog, so I think it’s robotic, just like the horses and other animals that are around the park. HOWEVER - we’ve never seen animals refereed to as hosts before, despite that they’re obviously built the same way the humanoid hosts are. So, while I think the dog is a robot, I don’t know

I think this is another of the many deliberate hints that the ‘robots’ are a lot more biological than all that fancy 3D printing tech would indicate - I’ve got a feeling that when the’re in sleep mode or off mode, they’re pretty corpse like (hence the necro- crack).

Well, its a valid question. I think there are all sorts of things that people don’t necessarily find all that upsetting when they happen to your video game avatar, but that might feel entirely different in a VR world when it feels more like your actual body is involved.

Having watched the first episode, it didn’t feel to me that the sexual violence was there to be titillating - it was there to be horrible. Thinking on it a little further, in the first episode there is a LOT of violence, all towards robots, and not much of it felt like it was supposed to be titillating.

Thank you for bringing that NYT book review into my life. My world is richer and more beautiful for having read it.

I feel pretty much the same way as you do. It kind of turned a corner after a while there.

Shade court dockets are reading 2016 now. I can rest easy.

Holy shit I know, right? They were ragging on her for not having an accurate enough costume for Di, meanwhile Detox was up there in a neon wig, which, while amazing, is so far past accurate it’s not even funny. Also, The choreography and song portion she was given was 100% dull, especially considering she had the the

Gah, with you 100% on the bluetooth headphones thing. I’ve owned more than one pair, and every pair has been unreliable, annoying to charge, unnecessarily heavy, and, to add insult to injury, won’t even reliably do the only damn thing I’d want bluetooth headphones for, which is so that I can put my phone down

When I was in second grade, I went to pick up my little brother from first grade, and the teacher told him in front of me that he should try to be a better student, like his sister, because he’d forgotten his homework that day (and on and on, about how I should let him see my homework from when I was in her class,

The US women’s soccer team is widely considered to be one of the best in the world - they won the last women’s world cup. The men’s team is... not amazing. They haven’t made the olympics since ‘88, and their last world cup ranking was 15th

These are some really good points - I also want to add, that in a lot of places, it’s the law that you can’t discriminate based on protected classes (Race, gender, medical status, etc.) , and that you can legitimately sue your employer if they foster a hostile work environment. The reason a lot of hostile work

Important shade court question:

Canada scored against Australia in the first 20 seconds. It was wild

Shit, that’s pretty good for an Instinct Gym!

I think that’s a crochet Gimli, because apparently being a fiber craft pedant is the level of nerd I have hit now.

I was in a small office, and we hired a second Mike, and neither consented to be called Michael. Which I think Old Mike regretted when I tested a variety of nomenclatures, including Old Mike and New Mike, Tall Mike and Regular Mike, Underling Mike and Boss Mike, Canadian Mike and British Mike...

Wolves are pretty smart, so it definitely would have been able to figure out which way the woman wanted to go and to drive her away from it. They are also known persistence hunters, so chasing her for hours on end is also not at all unlikely, so I don’t find either of those things outside the realm of possibility.

It’s probably just the standard barbie body, which, to be fair is pretty jarringly thin.

This is not a bad theory - especially considering the last shot we had of Arya in the last episode was her hunkered down in a dark cellar clutching her sword, in a properly paranoid type of mode. Also, when she wandered the city previously, she wears that really tight hair style with the two little buns at the front.