
I had to listen to a marching band play it four times yesterday because the yearly parade that goes down my street got held up for some reason.

Not only that, but I assume the zoo keepers knew a heck of a lot more about this individual gorilla and his behaviors than the rest of us. I assume they knew what was aggressive for him, and what was not.

The thing that drives me crazy about this is that I honestly believe Jones, and Feige, and McCarthy, and all the people involved that they thought that she was the best one for the part - that her personality and style of comedy worked for it, and that it was written for McCarthy before Jones joined the cast. And

This reminds me intensely of a piece in a gallery my friend and I went to see - several galleries around the city were hosting a big exhibition of contemporary Canadian art, and in the first one we went to, I noticed what I thought was a quarter on the floor in the corner of the gallery. Except that it wasn’t a

At this point in my career, “professionally” to me means no jeans unless it’s friday, no yoga pants, no shorts, and no sneakers. I tend not to wear low cut shirts or short skirts to work either. I’m 90% sure that these are all hold overs from the rules my mother gave me when I started working, though I’ve all but

I think they were supposed to be filled with oil. My other thought was that tweedle dee and tweedle dum there poured in some jugs of oil on the sly when locking the door.

This might sway some of those not completely committed to their anti-vaxx positions on laziness alone: To get your exemption, you have to take off a tuesday afternoon, (or something), travel to what is most likely an inconvenient location, to sit in a classroom and have someone lecture at you like you’re in 8th grade


I’m almost afraid to ask, but...

How they name cup sizes vary by region - Past DD, it’s kind of the wild west out there - DDD vs E, and then climbing the rest of the upper alphabet as appropriate. I’ve seen H cups.

I know a lot of people are ragging on you for not understanding the context, but I don’t blame you. At a first look, it really does look like that guy is going to shoot that scantily clad lady in the head, since he’s already finished murdering all those other people. Plus they’ve posed her doe-eyed, staring off into

I’m down. Let’s make this a thing

Here’s an alternate definition of bullying that dovetails with the article, but might help people who are having trouble distinguishing it from harrasment. Bullying is harrasment that is specifically targeted at your weakness. To harass someone, you need only tell them to die. To bully them, you systematically work

It’s not like there’s a DNA scanning force field at the door that prevents literally anyone from just... walking in, regardless of their intentions. It’s a public restroom, not a bank vault in the Matrix.

Hedging can be a positive trait, and I’m only saying this because I work with some people who don’t use it at all, ever, and they are incredibly stressful people to work with.

See, this type of qualifying language has its place in the world, especially in the workplace, and I’ve learned this as a result of dealing with people who don’t use any. At All.

You don’t frack to save the environment, you frack to get more oil and gas out of the ground. It saves money because you don’t have to go drill another well a few hundred meters away to go get the oil that’s over there, that just won’t move to where your well already is because the rock isn’t porous enough.

Season 1 Episode 1: Sleepy village demolished by nightmare monsters - Also: Dead heroes of legend rise rise from the mists to sweep invaders out to sea. Man has giant firey battle in the sky with the devil. People on foot take the largest fortress in existence, by hand armed with spears and bows and arrows. Aes Sedai

+ 1 for the horrifying accidental confluence of your GIF and the Trump GIF posted by Brooke the Replicant just above you.

It is time to bust out all my favourite Bovine and equine headed GIFs out, because WOT is going to be a TV show and I don’t understand my feelings about it