
Yes, it was finished - Brandon Sanderson wrote the final book, which was split into 3 books.

It’s so funny - I have a friend who is reading this series for the first time who currently hates his guts, and It’s all I can do not to explode with all the reason’s he’s the best. Of course, she’s only just started TFoH, so she’s barely out of Dagger!Mat territory. She’ll learn - oooh yes, she’ll learn.

And half that padding is just incredibly detailed descriptions of environments, outfits and characters - which is not something that takes up plot time on screen.

OH GAWD I was just saying how bad I want this. But I’m also terrified. But I also want this.

Honestly, they juggle places throughout the series. Perrin is almost always my favourite by the end of The Shadow Rising, because in books 1-3 Mat is basically a shit head. Then Mat becomes my favourite.

I think part of the problem, is that, besides the tax bill, sorting out what happens to his estate is going to be really expensive - it’ll be the work of months and months, which could have been avoided if he’d arranged it beforehand - Minnesota has to execute the thing, and it’s not going to be a simple matter. I

I actually sort of loved it. In a way, this was almost a total troll move from the creators of the show. They’re like “You started watching this show for the tits, right? WELL HERE YOU GO! WHAT, This wasn’t what you wanted? Well too effing bad, we’re going off the rails now MWAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAH”

When I was a student in my final year, my friends and I rented a house off campus, that the owner decided to sell herself, and it was a disaster. She quite often forgot to give us notice (or if she did, it was the night before a 9AM showing), which resulted in potential buyers walking into the disaster that is the

I’m sorry, but you HAVE to bring your ring in every 6 months so they can make sure they didn’t eff up their stone settings? And then, if you don’t particpate in this chore, They’ll pretend you voided your lifetime warranty? No thanks.

Just based on my experience when I was a kid enrolled in every kind of ballet, the range of colours and styles that shoes came in tended to get bigger when you were up to actual adult sizes, and also yeah, pointe shoes (which most of the older dances are wearing) are hella expensive.

It’s been a couple of years since I bought them, but I believe the brand is Champion (they are supposedly “reversable”) . They definitely keep everything pretty strapped down. I wouldn’t classify them as the most comfortable sports bra I’ve ever owned, but your boobs won’t go anywhere so yay?

I’ve got a sports bra from there that is slightly less good than the one I bought at Winners for $20 two weeks later, but slightly more comfortable than the ones I got at Costco in packages of 2 for 14.99, and I wear a 32 DDD. Moral of the story is apparently to go to Winners for your sports bras.

I think he also used “Best” interchangably with “iconic”. Like, I’m 90% sure there were more visually striking shots in more cinematic movies the year that the Avengers came out, but it would be impossible to pick another one that had more cultural impact than the camera circling around the full avengers teamup. Same

I saw that shot for the first time about... 7 years ago. I had to look away when I knew it was coming because it produces such a visceral reaction. The rest is pretty weird too - but striking enough that I saw it once and remember almost all of it.

Are you sure Cruz qualifies as “People?” because that would for sure explain it.

People generally rebel on liquid focused diets - there’s something about solid food that humans just psychologically need. When they were trying to figure out what to feed astronauts back in the 60's, they tested out a variety of diets on army and navy volunteers, including an all shake based diet. Most of the tests

My co-worker invited me to her 1 YO’s birthday, and I am a childless young person. There was like a 6 to 1 adults to children ratio, pulled pork and beer. I think when they are that little it’s more for the adults anyway, since the poor kid looked like he’d rather be taking a nap.

Yeah, and I did a little happy dance when they showed up too. I’m dying to read the sequel to Burn for me... despite that it has an even more horrifyingly porntastic title than the first one. (The second one is gonna be White Hot. WHY? WHY WITH THE SHIRTLESS DUDES? Don’t get me wrong, I don’t object to sexy - cover

If you are going to recommend Ilona Andrews and Romance, they have a 4 book scifi fantasy romance series - The Edge series - that I would highly recommend. It follows more of a traditional romance format too, where each book has their own protagonist, and each book is the complete story arc for that protagonist. First

WHO ARE ALL THESE PEOPLE WHO WERE TRYING TO TALK TO ME? Did I get on a list? Because there are 4 from rando guys who apparently want me to tell them about Canada because they want to move there (apparently).